Living Abroad
Off the Beaten Path
Never Out of Style
Kitchen Herbs

This line divided the North and the South during the Civil War.  

What is the Mason-Dixon Line? The line was originally the border between Pennsylvania and Delaware to the north and Maryland to the south. It was later extended west to the Ohio River.


This expat haven in Central America has a canal that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

 What is Panama? The Panama Canal officially opened in 1914.


These campfire desserts are made with graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars.  

 What are s’mores? You don’t need a campfire to make s’mores; you can make them at home in the microwave or on a stovetop in a pan.


Coco Chanel is responsible for this classic dress.  

What is little black dress? This dress is always appropriate evening wear. The hemlines may change, but these days, any hemline goes.


This herb used in Mediterranean cooking is also a woman’s name.  

What is rosemary? Its Latin name rosmarinus means “dew of the sea.”


Lack of this vitamin causes scurvy.  

What is vitamin C? Scurvy is known as “the sailors’ disease” because it killed more than two million sailors between Columbus’ sailing and the mid-19th century.


If you move here, you’ll be living on the equator in one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, and you’ll have easy access to its Galápagos Islands.  

What is Ecuador? High in the Andes Mountains, Cuenca is a popular destination for expats. The year-round temperature ranges between 72 and 79 degrees.


Instead of taking the interstate highways all the way from Chicago to Los Angeles, you can take preserved sections of this famed route to add some variety and local color to your trip.  

What is 66? Route 66 was the first all-weather highway from Chicago to Los Angeles. It was commissioned in 1926.


Ford’s early classic model rolled off the assembly line in 1927.  

What is Model T? The Global Automotive Elections Foundation ranked it as the most influential car of the 20th century. Although the car is almost 100 years old, there are still a few working models.


This herb is the foundation for pesto.  

What is basil? Basic ingredients in traditional pesto include basil, olive oil, pine nuts, and parmesan cheese.


This is the national spice of Hungary, and it’s a red spice found in most residential kitchens.  

 What is paprika? It’s made from a combination of dried bell and chili peppers, and it adds great color to foods without adding much heat.


Some of the popular expat destinations in this country include San Miguel de Allende, Puerto Vallarta, and Oaxaca City.  

What is Mexico? Expats also head to Mexico City


If you’re camping and run out of matches, you are told to rub two of these together to start a fire.  

 What are sticks? People who have mastered the technique can start a fire in 10–15 minutes.


Ian Fleming is responsible for this franchise.  

 What is 007 or James Bond? Fleming worked in the Intelligence Division of the Royal Navy during World War II, so he likely pulled from his experiences when writing his novels.


 This mild, thin version of green onions often tops sour cream on baked potatoes. 

What are chives?


This is the mountain range found between Spain and France.

What are the Pyrenees? The chain forms a physical barrier between the two countries. There’s a micro-country between Spain and France in the Pyrenees—Andorra. Its capital is Andorra la Vella, and it has the highest altitude of any European capital.


During the 1960s and 1970s, the United States fought a war in this Asian country, but today, it’s an expat haven.  

 What is Vietnam? The overall quality of life is ranked at No. 3 among expat destinations


Instead of on a mattress, campers sleep in this.  

What is a sleeping bag? Modern sleeping bags are a combination mattress and comforter.


Many serious actors appear in stage productions written by this classic British playwright. Some of them appear in summer park productions of his plays.

Who is William Shakespeare? Reading Shakespeare in school was a rite of passage for earlier generations. One of his enduring lines is “First thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”


These generic herbs or their extracts are often used in candy, tea, lemonade, and toothpaste. They are also used as dessert garnishes.  

 What is mint? Common mints found in the kitchen are peppermint and spearmint. Fresh mint is mostly used in cooking, but dried mint is used in making tea


Leonardo da Vinci’s La Gioconda, the alternate title for the most famous painting in the world, hangs in the Louvre in Paris. We call it by this name.  

What is Mona Lisa? Historians believe the subject of the painting is Lisa Gherardini Gioconda


This country is the only country in Central America on the list of oldest democracies in the world. It is now one of the safest destinations, and it begins with a “C.”

What is Costa Rica? Like many Central and South American countries, you’ll have to deal with bureaucratic red tape to be able to live there, but it has a great standard of life.


Instead of flying from Chicago to New Orleans, you could take this train, memorialized in Arlo Guthrie’s 1971 hit tune of the same name.  

 What is City of New Orleans? The daily departure takes 19 hours to reach its destination.


This British company manufactures an iconic, luxury automobile as well as airplane engines.  

What is Rolls Royce?  


 This herb is available in flat and curly and can freshen breath. 

What is parsley? Mounds of curly parsley were once used as a garnish but have been replaced by more creative garnishes. Flat parsley is most commonly used in cooking.