What is the relationship (association) between hours spent watching TV and math test grade?
negative association
Describe this association
Weak, Negative, Linear
Using the scatterplot below, come up with a reasonable estimate for x when y = 60
Around 19 or 20.
What is the plural of vertex? You must spell it correctly to get the points.
What is the association between a child's weight and math grade?
no association
Describe the association:
No association, with an outlier
Using the scatterplot below, come up with a reasonable estimate for y when x = 13
Somewhere from 40-45
What is a variable?
a letter that represents an unknown number
What is missing from the following scatterplot?
A title, labels on the axes, units
Describe the association
Moderate, Negative, Linear
Using the scatterplot below, come up with a reasonable estimate for y when x = 10
Around 20.
Shaggy or Shrek?
Would this be a positive association or a negative association? (Hint: Imagine how it would look in a scatter plot.)
positive association
Describe the association
Strong, Positive, Nonlinear
Using the scatterplot below, come up with a reasonable estimate for x when y = 10
Around 12.
What's my favorite color?