Character Creation

The class I have in mind for my character is a primary spellcaster. I only want them to be really good at casting spells. I also want my character to be Charismatic, so which spellcaster should I use, and what page can I find them on?

Sorcerer (pg. 99-104)


A merchant is selling me 200ft of rope for my mountain trip. How much will this cost me?

Adventuring Gear (pg. 150); 4gp


My Strength Ability Score is at 10 at Level 2. What is the earliest level I could multiclass into a Fighter. 

Multiclassing Prerequisites (pg. 163)


How does the DM determine Surprise at the start of Combat?

Surprise (pg. 189)


Name three 3rd Level spells my Sorcerer can learn

Sorcerer Spells (pg. 209)


Now find me a page that has any one race that will give me a boost in my Charisma ability score

Best answers: Half-Elf (pg. 38); Tiefling (pg. 42)

Acceptable answers: Dragonborn (pg. 32); Drow (pg. 24); Human (pg. 29); Lightfoot Halfling (pg. 28)

Bonus Answer: Summary Table (pg. 12); TCoE Rules bypass this step


I want to learn more about all the keywords on the weapons table. Where could I find the official definitions for each property?

Weapon Properties (pgs. 146-147)


Where could I learn if my Extra Attacks stack or not? Do they?

No; Extra Attack (pg. 164)


What are the differences in cover types? What effect do they have on attack rolls?

Half: +2 AC to covered creature

Three-Quarters: +5 AC to covered creature

Full: Cannot be targeted

Cover (pg. 196)


Give me a 3rd Level Wizard Explosion Spell. Give me the range, casting time, and a brief description of the spell.

Fireball (pg. 241)


It's time to roll ability scores! My DM chose the Point Buy system, and I can't find how many points each score is worth! Where can I find it?

Ability Score Point Cost Table (pg. 13)


I start with something called a "Dungeoneer's Pack" What comes in that?

Equipment Packs (pg. 151)


How many spell slots would I have as a Level 5 Barbarian/Level 2 Cleric?

3 1st Level Spell Slots; Multiclass Spellcaster (pg. 165)


Some creatures are resistant or vulnerable to certain damage types, but how do I calculate the damage they take from an attack?

Double damage for vulnerability, Half damage for resistance.

Damage Resistance and Vulnerability (pg. 197)


Find me a 5th Level Druid Transportation spell. Give me the range, casting time, and a brief description of the spell.

Tree Stride (pg. 283)


At 3rd Level, my class gains a unique upgrade that no one else at my table will have. What upgrade is this?

Subclass (Sorcerous Origin)! Wild Magic and Draconic Ancestry (pgs. 102-104) 


A nice, comfortable inn has opened in Phandalin, and my four-player party wants to stay there for the three nights we will be in town. How much will this cost us?

~10gp (96sp); Food, Drink, and Lodging (pg. 158)


My Sorcerer wants to wear Armor, despite having no proficiencies at all. What feat could I take at Level 4 that would let me wear Light Armor?

Lightly Armored (pg. 167)


Do fire spells work in underwater combat?

They do, all creatures just have resistance to fire damage; Underwater Combat (pg. 198)


Find me a 1st Level Detection spell. Give me the range, casting time, and a brief description of the spell.

Detect Magic, Detect Poison and Disease, Detect Evil and Good (pg. 231)


Finally, I need one background that will give me proficiency in Persuasion or Intimidation, what page could I find that on?

Answers: Guild Artisan (pg. 132); Noble (pg. 135); Soldier (pg. 140)


My party has procured riding horses for travel from Phandalin to Waterdeep. How much did that set us back?

300gp; Mounts and other animals (pg. 157)


Morgort, the Harengon Ranger, forgoes an Ability Skill Improvement for a feat that will make her bow stronger. What is the best feat for her to take?

Sharpshooter feat (pg. 170)


What happens after you hit 0HP in combat? How do you die/stablilize?

You are knocked unconcious. Every turn, you must roll a D20. On a roll of 10 or higher, you gain a success, on a 9 or lower, you fail. 1 and 20 are worth 2 of their respective roll. After 3 failures, you die. After 3 successes, you stabilize at 1HP.

Death Saving Throws (pg. 197)


Find me a 6th Level Healing Spell. Give me the range, casting time, and a brief description of the spell.

Heal (pg. 250)