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This medium was developed by Guokai Chen in the Thomson lab and licensed by Thermo Fisher and Cellular Dynamics, to promote the growth of human stem cells, considered a robust "minimal" medium.

What is Essential 8.


This Stem Cell Medium would best be used for Suspension Culture.

What is StemScale.


The Product Manager for our Stem Cell Mediums 

Who is Guene Thio.


In this year embryonic stem cells were first derived.

What is 1981.

(The first mouse embryonic stem cells were derived initially by 2 groups)


Thermo Fisher Scientific has Geltrex while this company has Matrigel.

What is Corning.


bFGF is an acronym used for this growth factor.

What is basic fibroblast growth factor.

bFGF is one of the key growth factors used for maintaining pluripotency of human stem cells.


Thermo Fisher recommends this robust culture medium for adherent stem cell culture, especially with gene editing and single cell passaging applications.

What is StemFlex.


The Product Manager for our Neural Products.

Who is Kurt Laha.


The name of the scientist who first derived human embryonic stem cells.

Who is James Thomson

( University of Wisonsin-Madison)


This stem cell products company is one of Thermo Fisher's largest competitors.

What is Stem Cell Technologies? (SCT)


This matrice is commonly used in human stem cell culture that requires more defined culture conditions.

What is Vitronectin?


This "leanest" of the Stem Cell culture mediums that does "not" contain bFGF and TGFb.

What is Essential 6?

( this medium is recommended as a good basal for stem cell differentiation medium )

bFGF inhibits differentiation and TGFb has a negative impact on reprogramming.


Our FAS for 3D culture systems and modeling.

Who is Edwin Golez?


Human Embryonic Stem Cells were first derived in this year.

What is 1998.

( James Thomson in conjunction with a team at the UW-Madison Hospital with private funding)


This company carries StemMACS for HSC Expansion.

What is Miltenyi Biotec.


This product is commonly used as a non enzymatic cell dissociative reagent for passaging human stem cells

What is Versene.


This is a common rho kinase inhibitor used for recovery of human stem cells from cryopreservation and with single cell passaging.

What is ROCK inhibitor.

( the ROCK inhibitor plays an important role in cell polarity, proliferation, metabolism, differentiation and helps to inhibit apoptosis)


The TSS team you would reach out to for Stem Cell related customer support.

Who are the RMT TSS? 

Regenerative Medicine TSS


The Nobel Prize was awarded to these two scientists for their contribution to Physiology and Medicine in 2012.

Who are Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanak...for their discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent.


This Maryland based company has products that specifically focus on hMSC Exosome Product and Process Development, for Therapeutic Commercialization. 

What is Rooster Bio.

( Our StemPro SFM Mesenchymal medium is currently being tested against Rooster Bio's comparable medium for a clinical trial at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN)


The product CytoTune used for reprogramming human stem cells, is also commonly referred to as using "whose" factors.

Yamanaka factors 

(Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc...

L-Myc replaces c-Myc as a non oncogenic factor in the CTS version)


This class of human stem cells have been used to treat spinal cord injury.

What are MSCs.

(Mesenchymal Stem Cells)


The FAS(s) you would reach out to for all your Stem Cell related questions.

Who are Omar Farah and Tom Forbes?


These two researchers published simultaneously online in 2007, a method for converting human skin cells that very closely resemble human embryonic stem cells.

Shinya Yamanaka and James Thomson.

( In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka reported on this methodology in mice)


This company sells the HyClone line of AdvancedSTEM products.

What is Cytiva