Mark Kelly
U.S. Politics
Voter Registration/PEVL
Arizona Political Overview

Mark Kelly is running for this.

What is U.S. state senator?


In November 3, 2020 this occurs.

What is the next presidential election?


18 years old.

What is one of the legal requirements to be able to register to vote?


Head of executive branch and Arizona state government.

What is the Arizona governor? 


Mark Kelly's wife.

Who is Gabby Giffords?


If President Trump or Vice-President do not become the next president then this person will.

Who is Nancy Pelosi?


I have committed a felony.

What is I cannot be able to vote because of this?


What is I cannot vote?


The CD-3 congressional democrat.

Who is Raul Grijalva?


Mark Kelly's former duty or job.

What is an astronaut?


The considered front runner for 2020 national event.

Who is Joe Biden?


Permanent Early Voting List.

What does PEVL stand for?


She believes that we must maximize business opportunities in Arizona. She recently graduated from the intensive, eleven-week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Citizens' Academy in Nogales. She believes that a better understanding of, and support for, increased trade with Mexico, will not only benefit people in Legislative District 2 (southern Pima and all of Santa Cruz County) but all of Arizona.

Who is Andrea Dalessandro?


Mark Kelly has a unique trait that only 4% of the population of the United States of America have. 

What is an identical twin?


A person who is increasing the most in points to become the next democratic president.

Who is Elizabeth Warren?


You’re out registering voters at the bus stop. When you ask a young man to vote, he says, “I don’t want to vote. My vote doesn’t matter. The system is rigged.” You then proceed to tell the benefits of voting.

How to handle a delusional voter?


K. H is an American Democratic politician who has served as the Arizona Superintendent of ______________________ since 2019.

What is public instruction? 


Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema are hoping to become important  and positive components to a state. However, the state where Sinema represents is considered purple.

What is a democrat and republican in the U.S. senate for the state of Arizona? 


What is Martha McSally and Krysten Sinema in office for U.S. Sentate in the state of Arizona. 


A person who informs on a person or organization engaged in an illicit activity.

What is a whistleblower?


Always ask: “Are you registered to vote at your current address?”

What is a good starter for VRs?


The only democrat in the corporation commission in the state of Arizona.

Who is Sandra Kennedy?