Learning with Trade Books
Before, During, and After Reading
Vocabulary Development and Studying Texts
Writing Across the Content Areas
Supporting Effective Teaching with Professional Development
A book published by a commercial publisher and intended for general readership
What is a trade book
Some pre-reading ideas are
What is brainstorming, clustering, reading aloud, or dramatic role play.
A comprehension strategy that requires students to pose queries while reading the text in order to challenge their understanding and solidify their knowledge
What is QtA (question the author)
Focus on __________ while writing arguments
What is discipline-specific content
Small-group collaboration is viewed as a form of _________
What is professional development
Something you should check to determine the likely reader for a trade book
What is a lexile level
Activity before reading that asks the students what they know and what they want to learn about the topic.
What is a KWL
Vocabulary that consists of three tiers (basic, academic, and content specific)
What is tiered vocabulary
Connecting writing to reading through the writing process
What is composing, exploring, motivating, and clarifying
A group of educators that meets regularly, shares expertise, and works collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students
What is a professional learning community
Purpose of using trade books in the classroom
What is relevant reading for students
When is the most powerful time to support reading
What is before reading
Increase independent reading time, facilitate read-alouds, keep vocabulary in circulation, keep vocabulary interactive, use graphic organizers.
What is effective vocabulary instruction
Writing for audiences beyond the teacher using publicly recognized forms such as letters to the editor, and writing for real reasons, produces more effective writing
What is writing for authentic audiences
Discussing teacher work, student work, student data, and professional literature
What is common activities in professional learning community meetings
In what context should a trade book be assigned
What is supplementary to the lesson being taught to ensure student understanding
What is the importance of during reading strategies
What is giving students the opportunity to think critically, organize, and question while they read
Teachers give students tools and techniques that help organize their reading experience in three stages: •Pre-reading stage •During-reading stage •After-reading stage.
What is scaffolding in studying text strategies
Explicit small group or individualized strategy instruction to abbreviate writing assignments. Break down writing assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks. Divide the writing prompts into a series of adapted steps so struggling writers can focus on one concept at a time
What is response to intervention strategies for writing
Teams in professional learning communities are built on _____________
What is shared roles or responsibilities
Authority of the author Accuracy of the text content Appropriateness of the book for its audience Literacy artistry Appearance of the book
What are the 5 A's considered in selecting trade books
What are the values students learn from after reading strategies
What is synthesizing the reading, making inferences and connections, follow up questions, and sharing insights
Which words are most important? How much will prior knowledge affect student understanding? Is this word encountered frequently? Is the concept significant? Can it be figured out from context? Are there words that should be grouped?
What is strategic vocabulary selection
Strategy allowing teachers to use writing in order to assist students in learning content.
What is writing-to-learn
Improving the skills and knowledge of educators through collaborative study, expertise exchange, and professional dialogue. Improving the educational aspirations, achievement, and attainment of students through stronger leadership and teaching.
What are the two broad purposes of professional learning communities