Types of Schemas
Types of Schemas Cont'd
Relapse Prevention
Signature Strengths

A pattern of beliefs that develops during childhood or adolescence and continues through a person's life. 

What is a a schema.


This schema is when we expect that we will eventually lose anyone we are emotionally attached to.

What is abandonment/instability schema.


This schema refers to the belief that our emotional needs will never truly be met by another person.

What is emotional deprivation.


What is it called when a person returns to using drugs or alcohol after a period sobriety?

What is a relapse.


What are facets of our personality that emerge when we are doing things we like and are good at doing?

What are signature strengths.


How many types of schemas are there?

What is 18.


This schema corresponds with the core belief that "I'm so defective that if someone really knew me, they wouldn't want to be around me anymore."

What is defectiveness/shame.


This schema refers to the belief that "I am isolated from the world because I am different and cannot truly be a part of any community."

What is social isolation/alienation. 


What are tools you can use to avoid emotional dysregulation or relapse?

What are coping skills.

Our signature strengths are strengthened when we ______ our lives with them, and weakened when we don't.

What is align.


Schemas come from a combination of _____ (The events during our lives) as well as _____ (how we are wired.)

What are experiences and temperament. 


This schema is the belief that one deserves things in life, as if someone were keeping score, usually appearing confident but in truth tend to be emotionally insecure.

What is entitlement.


This schema corresponds with the belief that one is incompetent and incapable of performing at or above any of their peers.

What is failure.


What is the difference between internal and external triggers?

External triggers are people, places, and things outside of us. Internal triggers include emotions, MH symptoms, memories, or bodily sensations.


Aligning our lives can help us overcome _______ and achieve __________.

What is overcome obstacles and achieve success.


True or false: Schemas are always conscious.

What is false. Schemas are sneaky and not always conscious.


This schema consists of gaining the approval from others at the expense of their own needs or sense of who they are.

What is approval/recognition seeking.


This schema causes one's sense of meaningfulness in life to come from helping others and often a feeling of responsibility for the well-being of others.

What is self sacrifice. 


What is the relapse rate within the first year of sobriety?

What is 85%.


Give 5 examples of signature strengths.

What is love of learning, creativity, open-mindedness, perspective, curiosity, bravery, vitality, persistence, integrity, appreciation of beauty and excellence, humor, gratitude, hope, spirituality, leadership, fairness, teamwork, love, kindness, social intelligence, forgiveness, self-regulation, humility, or prudence.


What are the 5 basic emotional needs we need in order to survive and thrive?

What is secure attachment, autonomy and identity, realistic limits, self appreciation, and spontaneity and play. 


This schema refers to a pattern of behaviors that focuses on the negative, while minimizing the positive.

What is pessimism/negativity.


This schema consists of a belief that emotions are dangerous, bad, wrong, or disgusting, and need to be suppressed.

What is emotional inhibition.


What are the stages of relapse?

What is emotional relapse, mental relapse, physical relapse.


What is one of your signature strengths and why?

*Anything goes.*