True or False: TikTok
The Truth About Sharks
Gray Wolves
Who Should Own Fossils?

What is misinformation?

false information


Which word means overall quality or character as seen or judged by many people?



Who are people who work to protect wildlife and natural resources?



Who are scientists who study fossils and ancient life-forms?



What is the name for people who generate interest in something by posting about it on social media?



According to the article, why do many people fear sharks?

Many people fear sharks because they think of one shark species— the great white shark. This fierce predator is just one out of more than 500 shark species.


What did a judge decide earlier this year (in 2022)?

A judge decided to put wolves back on the endangered species list in most states.


According to the article, about how much did a buyer pay for the most expensive dinosaur fossil ever sold?

$32 million


Which of these is a result of TikTok's growing popularity?

A. The app is becoming more trustworthy.

B. More people are relying on TikTok for news.

C. Influencers are becoming fact-checkers.

D. False information is becoming easier to spot.

B. More people are relying on TikTok for news.


What is helping to solve the problem of declining shark populations?

A. rules about people swimming in oceans

B. an increase in beach patrols

C. U.S. bans on the hunting of some sharks

D. global bans on shark fin soup

C. U.S. bans on the hunting of some sharks


Name TWO states where grey wolves currently live.

Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon, California


Why do some people say collectors should be allowed to buy fossils?

Letting collectors buy fossils leads to more excavation and that many collectors donate fossils to museums. Landowners have the right to let companies dig on their property, and that the companies should be able to sell the fossils to make money for themselves and the landowners.


Why did Kit Atteberry and three other students at Williams Middle School post fake videos?

Kit and the other students posted videos of a fake fight and arrest because they wanted to find out how easily outrageous videos can spread on social media.


Why do you think the author chose the title "Predator and Prey" for this article?

The author probably chose this title to make people think. Many people would consider sharks to be the predators and people to be the prey. But after reading the facts in the article, it is clear that the reverse is in many ways true.


According to the article, many conservationists agree that __________.

A. gray wolves should still be protected by the U.S. government

B. putting gray wolves back on the endangered species list was the wrong decision

C. gray wolves have made a complete recovery in the U.S.

D. hunting gray wolves is necessary to protect livestock

A. gray wolves should still be protected by the U.S. government


Paleontologist Thomas Carr would most likely agree that ________.

A.  auctions are the best way to sell fossils

B. fossils do not usually have much value

C. fossils should not be excavated

D. most fossils should go to museums, not collectors

D. most fossils should go to museums, not collectors


Name TWO steps you could take to avoid being tricked by a video on social media.

- Search on a trustworthy news site. If you can't find it, it's likely not real.

- See if the account is from an expert or reliable news source.

- Read the comments to see if anyone else already said it was fake.

- Look for clues like misspellings, lots of capital letters, and overusing exclamation marks.


How does the author support the claim that the loss of sharks is bad for oceans?

The author explains that large sharks eat other fish and large marine creatures, keeping those populations under control. Sharks also keep other ocean species healthy by preying on sick or weak animals.


How could birds and beavers be affected if gray wolves were to go extinct?

Wolves hunt elk and other large mammals. If wolves were to go extinct, there would be more elk. The elk would eat the plant life that birds and beavers need to survive.


 Why do some people say the U.S. should follow the example of Alberta, Canada?

Alberta has strict fossil protection laws. Only professional paleontologists are permitted to excavate fossils there, and some people wish the U.S. had a similar rule.