what does O2 stand for?
what is Oxygen
what is 10 x 4 ?
What is 40
what does P.E stand for ?
What is physical education
When was the declaration of Independence signed ?
what is July 4, 1776
How many stomachs does a cow have?
what is one stomach
How many sides does an Octagon have ?
what is 8
how many strings are on a Violin ?
What is 4
what is another word for fall?
what is Autumn
How many lines of symmetry does a triangle have?
What is 3?
why do kids have to go to school?
to learn
what are baby goats called?
what are kids
What is the absolute value of {-4}
what is 4
How many beats does a quarter note have ?
What is 4
When was Abraham Lincoln born ?
What is 1809
what is the name of our galaxy?
what is milky way
Y= 2x+4
If Y=6
What is X=1
What is the average cost of an I pad ?
what is $699