Class Policies
School Policies
Assignment Policies
Student Expectations

The timeframe that you are not allowed to go to the bathroom/leave the room. (More than one answer)

What is during the first and last 15 minutes of class. What is during class transitions? What is during direct instruction?

This is how many days you can miss a semester long course BEFORE failing.

What is 5 unexcused absences?


This is the last day you can turn in an assignment before it is considered late.

What is Friday of the week it was assigned?


If you are confused you should do this.



Are you allowed to eat in Ms. Wilkins Classroom?

What is no?


You have to do this when leaving the room and when coming back to the room. (There is more than one answer.)

What is sign in and out? What is take the hallway pass and bring the hallway pass back?


This happens when you have your phone out. There are different steps. (More than one answer.)

What is ask to put it away(Verbal Warning) and parent contact via email or remind? What is ask to put it away(Verbal Warning) and parent contact via phone call?  What is referral, phone taken to the office for parent pick up and parent meeting?


This is the amount lost each day your assignment is late.

10 points


You bring this to school to keep you hydrated but it has to have this in order for you to have it in the class. 

What is a water bottle with a lid? 


What happens if you refuse to put your phone away or give it to security?

What is 2 days OSS?


When you are absent you must do this. (More than one answer.)

What is check Canvas for missing work? What is check the cart when I return for missing work?


What time does the school open for students?

What is 7:10am?


This is what happens if you turn in a written assignment that cannot be clearly read by Ms. Wilkins. There are two answers depending on the students response.

What is you will have to redo the assignment? What is you receive a zero?


What are your responsibilities/expectations in my classroom

What is stay seated? What is use inside voices? What is be respectful? What is clean up after yourself? What is participate in class discussions? What is do independent work independently? What is participate in group work? What is follow student handbook rules/codes?


These are the people that can request, direct, advise, and otherwise instruct students to adhere to the established guidelines and procedures of both the Isle of Wight County School Code of Conduct and the Smithfield Middle School Student Handbook.

Who is any & all SHS staff?


When you come into the classroom you immediately do this. (More than one answer.)

Come in quietly. Sit down. Start the warm-up. 


What happens if you are caught with a vape? All 3 steps

1st offense 5 DAYS OSS

2nd offense 7 days OSS

3rd offense 10 days OSS and possible alternative school


This is where you turn in your assignment, exact location. (2 places)

What is in the tray? 

What is Canvas?


If you wear this to school someone will ask you to take it off. (Unless for religious purposes)

What is a hoodie? What is a hat? What is any head wear? 


This is Ms. Wilkins email

What is


This is not allowed out in class or in the school. It must stay in your bookbag.

What is a cellphone? What is phone?


The order teachers typically follow when you do not follow school/classroom policy. (However, they can skip steps as necessary.)

What is a verbal warning, seat relocation, parent contact, lunch detention, and disciplinary referral? 



If you do not turn your assignment in on Friday but you turn it in on Tuesday what grade will you get? (If the assignment is PERFECT.)

What is 60%?

This is what you should have every day when entering the classroom. (Supplies)

What is 3 prong folder? What is Composition/Spiral notebook? What is writing utensils? What is pencils, pens, highlighters? What is headphone? What is computer/laptop?


This is the grading scale from A-F with grade percents. You do not have to do the plus and minus just the over all.

What is 

A: 100-90

B: 89-80

C: 79-70

D: 69-65

F: 64- below