What do you do when you get in class in the morning?
Bring in your chromebook, purple folder, and read the message and to-do list!
What do you when you walk to lunch or recess?
You walk in a quietly and straight line.
How long do I need to wash my hands for?
20 seconds!
What is Mrs. B's favorite color?
How do you ask for help in class?
You raise your hand and wait for Mrs. B to help you.
When Mrs. B tells me recess is over, what should I do?
Run to our line up spot and wait in line quietly.
How far away from my friends should I stay?
6 Feet
How should I ask to use the bathroom?
By showing the number 3
Do I need my mask on at recess and lunch?
You do not need your mask while you're eating, but you do need it on at recess.
What is the right way to wear a mask?
With it covering my nose and mouth
What is Mrs. B's favorite type of plant?
If someone is sad, what should you do?
Say nice things and encourage them to make them feel better!
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before school, or Mrs. B can help me in the middle of the day.
Can I throw wood chips at recess? Why or Why Not?
No. It is dangerous!
How do I sneeze or cough?
Into my mask or elbow
How many sisters does Mrs. B have?
When can I get out of my seat and move around the room?
Only when Mrs. B tells me I can!
Should I have my hands on other students at recess or lunch
What do I do if I don't feel good at school?
What was Mrs. B's name before it became Mrs. Bertora?
Miss Lambert