What do you do when you get in class?
Turn on my laptop, take out my binder and something to write with, hang my backpack on my chair or place it under the desk
How should you act outside of class?
Walk quietly and directly to your destination.
When you come to school late 9:30, what do you do?
You need to go to the front office to get a late slip.
Who should participate in group work?
What kind of language do we use with each other in class?
Encouraging, academic language
How do you ask for help in class?
You can ask the student closest to you. If you still can't get the answer raise your hand quietly and wait for the teacher.
When is class over?
When the teacher tells you to leave, not the bell!
When can I be on my phone?
Before first bell, after last bell, or with the permission of the adult in the room
What do we do with our trash?
Throw it in either the trash can or recycling bin
When can you use the bathroom?
After the first 10 minutes and before the last 10 minutes of class
Where is the hall pass?
Where should my phone be during the school day?
Completely out of sight.
What are the roles for each member?
Manager, Supply guru, Timer Keeper, and Recorder
What kind of food can students have in class?
Drinks in a container with a top and snacks that aren't stinky or messy
When can I hold Tigger?
Only with the teacher's permission! Don't open the cage yourself.
How do you know which direction to go in the hallway?
Follow the one-way direction arrows on the floor.
Where should your laptop be when you change classes?
Secured in your backpack. Not in your hands.
What does a good working group look like?
They are on task, sharing, helping, and encouraging each other.
Where can you get non-tech supplies (pencils, highlighters, scissors, rulers, paper etc.) if you forgot to bring them to class?
The Supplies cart at the front of the room. (Remember these are only in case you forget, not your personal supplies!)
Where can you get tech help?
the media center
Where can I go if I'm having a bad day and I need to talk to someone?
Let the teacher know and we will contact Dr. Rauls, Mr. Singer, or another counselor for you.