Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
School rules

What are the classroom rules/expectations?

What is Respectful and responsible?


What do you do when you get into the class?

What are following classroom procedures and start working by following the daily agenda?


How should you behave in the hallway?

Students will go to the right on our two-way hallways when exiting the classroom.   Students should walk the outer perimeter of all hallways, leaving the center of the hallways clear.  


You will be considered tardy if you are more than ____ minutes late.

1 minute late


How do students earn 5-star points every week?

By answering every single day.Class Dojo


What is established during the first week of school/quarter?

What are Classroom Rules and Consequences?


How do you ask for help in a class?

What is I raise my hand quietly and wait for the teacher?


When the bell rings during the class and the teacher did not finish, what do you do?

What is I wait until the teacher says"You are dismissed, have a great day, see you tomorrow"?


What happens if you do not have your ID?

What is 

1. temporary 1$/note in ABE

2. temporary !$/note ABE

3. Third time -a referral.

Students wearing temporary IDs will not be permitted to participate in school functions such as pep rallies and school-wide assemblies.


Projects and tests will count_____% of your grade.

What is 40%?


What should you do if you don't understand the instructions?

Ask questions.


What might be offered during this class for good behavior, and being responsible?

Every week you can get 1 ticket for good behavior(being respectful).

Every week you can get 1 ticket for being responsible(submitting work on time/being prepared-ready for class)

You can get 2 tickets every week.

At the end of the quarter, you will have the chance to get a  prize from the treasure box.


What are the daily materials needed on your desk in order for you to be considered prepared for this class?

What is:

Chromebook charged

Binder and a sharpened pencil





What happens if you use your phone while you are at school?

What are:

1. Warning and phone taken.

2. Warning and phone taken. 

3. Phone taken and given to the administration. The parent has to come and pick it up from the office.

4. Referral and parent are being called.


Quizzes will count ___% of your grade.

What is 30%?


Why are the classroom rules created?

What is To ensure a safe, positive learning environment for everyone?


What are the procedures for leaving the class? Ending the day?

What are

Clean off your desk; 

Put your binder in the bin; 

Mouse back to the designated bin,.

The tablet back in the organizer.

 Pick up any trash around your desk.


What do you do when you walk to the restroom or for lunch?

You walk in a quietly and straight line.


When can I use the bathroom?

What is going on with your class at the established time?

During Lunch time.


What does a good working group look like?

What are they are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting the work/project done?


What kind of noise will working in group sound like?

Students talking quietly but not disrupting others.


What do you do after you finish your work?

1. Check any missing assignments.

2. You can help somebody.

3. Extra assignment

4. Work on an assignment for another class(teacher permission)

5. Ask the teacher.


In how many days can you submit your assignments for a full credit for this class? 

What is by the due date?


What kind of food can students have in class?



What happens if you have been caught navigating another website that is not related to this class?

1. Warning

2. Parent email.

3. Referral