Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
School rules

What do you do when you have something to say in class?

Raise your hand until called on.


What do you do when you come to class in the morning?

Put your backpack in the closet, turn in homework and sit down ready for the day


How do I show I'm ready for recess?

Get in line quietly and wait until everyone is ready and teacher says ok


If you come to school late after 9:04, what do you do?

You need to go to the office to get a late slip.


How do I know what my classroom job is?

Look at the job chart in the library.


How do you ask for help in class?

Raise your hand and ask the teacher for help


What do I do if I get hurt or get picked on at recess?

Tell the duty


What are 3 ways you can be a good student?

Listen, do work, clean up, participate, be kind, etc...


How do students respect other students' properties?

By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before taking anything.


What do I need to bring to group?

My pencil pouch, my folder and my reading/math materials


What grades do I have recess with?

4th and 5th together except for lunch!


When should you have your personal phone or tablet out?

Never! They should stay in your backpack while in school


If you need a break what should you do?

Tell the teacher you need to take a break and go to calm down corner


When can I sharpen my pencil?

Never! The pencil sharpener will sharpen pencils only!


What do you do when the bell rings when recess is over?

Stop playing and come back to class


What is an incentive ticket?

A ticket you can earn for having good behavior and can buy prizes with


When can I eat in class?

If you brought your own food, whenever. If you need a snack, we will pass them out before recess. 


How do I know what I'm supposed to be doing?

Look at the Promethean board to see what you are supposed to be working on. 

Table 1:Group with teacher

Table 2: I-Ready

Table 3: Independent work


How should you behave in the hallway to recess?

You should be quiet and walk


How long should a bathroom break be?

Just long enough to go to the bathroom, flush, wash your hands and come back to class. One person at a time, ask the teacher and move your name