What do you when you walk to the office or lunch?
You walk in a quietly and straight line on second square
How often should you come to school/class?
How many pencils do you need to be prepared for the day?
at least 4
When the whistle blows during recess what do you do?
stop playing and line up quietly
the left door
What are composition books used for in math?
Our math journal
Where should me feet be in the hallway
on second square
What should you do during a tornado drill
Go in hall way and get in tuck and cover position
What is the 3 prong folder for in math?
graded work, homework, handouts.
Can we share food ? and why?
NO. Allergies, etc
What can happen if you destroy school property?
suspension and restitution
When will you need a protractor/ruler?
At the end of the year?
What is the name of the workbook we will use daily?
My math