Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
Recess Procedures
School Rules
More Rules!
What do you do when you want to talk in class?
By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.

What do you do when you get in class?

You hang up backpack, get your items, and write in your journal.


Why should we be quiet in the halls on the way to recess?

Because we need to respect others who are still in their classrooms. 


If you know you are going to be late for school ahead of time, what should you do?

You need to make sure that your teacher and the office knows. 


How do you get your group to work together?

By taking turns talking and sharing.

What do you do to help other be a better student?
You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!

How do you ask for help in class?

Raise your hand and wait to be called on. 


When the whistle blows during recess what do you do?

Get in line with your class. 


Where should students play during recess?

Only in the fenced in areas. 


When should we use our Chromebooks?

ONLY when given permission.

How do students respect other students properties?
By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before taking anything.

When can I use the bathroom?

Only when you get permission. 


What happens if one person is not ready to go to recess at 11:40?

The entire class will have to wait and lose recess time. 


What happens if you get a second dress code warning?

You will have to call your parents to come and bring you a change of clothes. If you are unable to contact them, you will have to wear something that is in the office. 


After asking to use the bathroom and getting permission, what is the next thing you should do?

Fill out the sigh out sheet. 


When can students have food in class?

ONLY at snack time or lunch time. 


When can I sharpen my pencil?

Only when given permission.


What do you do if the ball goes out into the parking lot? 

You get a teacher to get it for you. 


What should we do if our neighbor is talking when they're not supposed to?

Quietly remind them to be quiet and listen. 


How should we act when a sub or lunch aid is in the room?

Listening to them and following the same procedures as usual. 

Why is it important that we are quiet when others are talking?

Because it shows respect for them and what they have to say. 


How do students line up?

Line up when called with items needed for next class at a level zero. 


How should you behave in the hallway on the way to recess?

You should be at a level zero, walking on the blue line with hands to yourself. 


When can you go out of the class?

You can't unless your teacher gives you permission. 


What is the loudest we can be in the classroom?

At a level two ONLY when given permission.