What do you do when you want to talk in class?
Raise my hand quietly and wait for the teacher to call me.
When is it OK to make noises in class or in the hallway?
Never. Outside noises are OK at recess but not in the hall or in the classroom.
When you come to school late what do you do?
Check in at the office and then come to class.
What is the voice level in the hall?
What is the first consequence if you break a rule?
Warning. Go to calm down area.
How do you ask for help in class?
You ask your seatmate/classmate. If you still can't get the answer, raise your hand quietly and wait to be called by the teacher.
When someone does something that distracts you in class what should you do?
Use the stop signal. Raise your hand and tell the teacher if they continue to bother you.
How do you walk in the hallway?
In two lines on the right side. Stay in line - no swinging around poles or walking on the grass. Voice level Zero.
How many people may be at the sink during class time?
One person.
What is the second consequence if you break a rule or if you refuse to go to the calm down corner?
Take time in another classroom.
When can you use the restroom?
At recess, before school and if you use the B signal.
How many books should you have in your book box?
5 books to read to self and one library book, so 6 in all.
Why do we come to school?
To learn!
How long do you need to work on iReady each day?
15 minutes
What is the third consequence if you do not listen to the teacher or if you refuse to go to another class?
Go to the Reset Room.
When can you sharpen your pencil?
Before school or before class starts. Raise your hand if you need a pencil. No sharpening during class unless you have permission.
What do you do with your Chromebook at the end of the day?
Put it back in the cart. Use the one way street. Two people can plug in their Chromebook at a time.
How do you you respond when an adult asks you to do something?
Follow directions and answer in a respectful way.
What does a good reading group look like and sound like?
Everyone has their eyes in the book. They are listening to the teacher and working hard.
What does respect look like?
Look at the person and follow directions the first time you are asked. Be positive.
How do we line up when it is Mrs. Sipe's time?
In assigned places, lines A and B.
How should you behave in the cafeteria?
Choose a place to sit and eat your lunch calmly. It is fine to visit with friends quietly (voice level 2).
When can you leave our classroom?
If you have permission or if someone comes to get you.
What noise level should we have at Read to Self?
The teacher and small group may talk (Level 1) but students at read to self are at Level 0 (no talking).