What do you do when you want to talk in class?
By raising your hand quietly waiting until you are picked.
What do you do when you get in class?
Have supplies ready for class before class starts.
Name the five classroom rules
1. Do quality work 2. Be Respectful 3. Be Safe 4. Be Responsible 5. Be Ready
How do you Be Ready?
Have pencils and paper at desk waiting for instructions.
What do you do to help others be a better student?
You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!
What do you do when you have all of your supplies ready for class?
Stay in your area and wait for instructions.
How do you provide quality work?
Following instructions
How do you respond in class if you have a question?
Raise your hand and wait until you are called.
If you lose 20+ Dojo Points, what is the next step?
I need to Take a Break
How do students respect other students properties?
By getting permission to use their things.
When can I use the bathroom?
During bathroom break
How do you Be Respectful?
Use Kind words
How do you respond when someone hurts your feelings?
Tell the Teacher or Para.
What is the next steps after taking a break?
A call home, a possible Referral or In-School Suspension and then a Suspension from School.
What do you do when breakfast time is over with?
Throw all food away or put in your locker.
When can I sharpen my pencil?
How do you Be Safe?
Walking in the hallways, staying with the class and Listening to instructions.
What do you do if someone lies on you?
Speak in a calm voice and keep your hands to yourself.
How do you gain Dojo Points?
Staying on Task, Staying in your area, Walking quietly in the hallways, Being Respectful, Responsible, Ready and Safe.
How can you respect others?
By listening to them, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and gestures.
How do students line up?
Quietly in line using random Dojo.
How do you Be Responsible?
Own up to (Be honest about) your positive/negative choices or actions.
What do you do when someone makes you upset?
Talk to them politely and tell them that you made me angry. Walk away and make positive choice.
What type of rewards are given when I follow all classroom rules?
Free Homework pass, Positive Parent phone call, Free computer time, Movie of choice, Free time and positive Dojo points