Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
Recess Procedures
School rules
Cooperative Groups

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

By raising your hand quietly until the teacher calls on you.


What do you do when you get to class?

Putut your belongings under your desk and get your whiteboard out and begin the bellringer. 


What do you do when you walk to the office, clinic, or bathroom?

You walk in quietly and to the correct location.


When you come to school late like after 9:30, what do you do?

You need to go to the office to get a late slip.


How do you get your group to work together?

By taking turns talking and sharing.


What do you do to help others be better students?

You encourage others by saying positive things. No put-downs!


How do you ask for help in class?

You ask your partner and group. If you still can't get the answer raise your hand quietly and wait for Ms. Josey.


What do you do when you need to leave your seat during class?

Raise your hand and ask permission. No just getting up and walking around class or over to other students.


What websites are students allowed to browse during technology time?

None-without permission.


How many people are considered a group?

2 or more people.


How do students respect other students' properties?

By not touching them, or picking them up. or destroying them. Ask to use it first before taking anything.


When can I use the bathroom?

During class. But you must ask for the bathroom pass and sign in and out on the class Chromebook before leaving class. ***Chromebook is time-stamped.


What happens to you when you are late for class?

You will receive a tardy pass. You are not allowed in class without a tardy pass; no exception this year.


How do you get to go to ISS?

You will be sent to ISS if you disrespect your teachers, disrupt class, or are not following class rules. You will earn a zero for any work completed during class (including tests). ***You will not be allowed to make up missed work.


What are the classroom roles for students?

Technology, materials, and distributor.


What kind of food can students have in class?

Without permission: water. Classroom food depends on the class. If wrappers and crumbs are left on the floor or Chromebooks-no food for the entire class.


When can I sharpen my pencil?

Before class-unless your pencil breaks. You can also trade your pencil for another. ****Sharpener is by the Chromebooks. 


When is tutoring?

Tuesday and Thursday afternoons after school from 1:45-2:30 pm.


How do students earn a referral?

By fighting, talking, or calling out in class after the teacher has asked them to stop; threatening others, and disobeying the teacher and classroom rules.


What does a good working group look like?

They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting work or projects done.


How can you respect others?

By listening to them, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and gestures.  ***Np talking over or interrupting other students.


What should be done the last 5 minutes of class?

Pick up any trash around desks, clean off desks, put  Chromebooks under the desks, and gather belongings.


When can we use our cell phones during class?

Never: except for emergencies, You're welcome to use the classroom phone or the office phone. IF YOU choose to use the office phone, you are responsible for getting any missed class notes or classwork.


When can you go out of the class?

You can't unless your teacher sends you with the appropriate hall pass. Leaving class without a hall pass is immediate call home.  ***Referrals will be given to students who leave class without permission.


What kind of noise will working in group sound like?

Students talking quietly but not disrupting others and ON TASK.