What do you do when you get in class?
Put your things away and wait quietly for instruction
What's rule #1?
Make Smart Choices
When the bell ring during recess what do you do?
Line up quickly
Whats rule #2?
Follow directions quickly
How do we respect each other?
By letting everyone have a chance to speak and be heard.
When can I use the bathroom?
Before school, during recess, and lunch recess. But you can also go twice if emergency.
What happens if you get an mdr?
You get recess reflection and a call home.
Whats rule #3?
Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
If someone is bothering me what do I do?
Tell the teacher
What kind of drinks can students have in class?
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before school, during recess time or afterschool.
What do you do when the duty person blows the whistle?
You will walk quietly to you line and line up in ABC order.
Whats rule #4?
Raise your hand for permission to speak
Whats rule #5?
Keep your hands feet and all objects to yourselves.