When and where do I turn in my contract?
What is the start of class in the basket labelled "Contracts"?
1 Check-in
Take a card that matches your emotional zone. Identify a coping skill you can use to follow classroom rules.
Pacing in the room
Pace quietly from door to door.
Late arrival
You must have a pass. Come in the room quietly and get settled.
Pick a playlist and stick with it. Studies show that switching tabs while you are working is terrible for your concentration!
I'm hungry or thirsty!
Students may only have plain water in a water bottle that has been checked by staff or fruit from SSR.
2 Contracts
Put your contract in the bin. After the second week, we will not complete contracts that are given to us at the end of class.
You do too much
I do. It's my job. I try to balance everyone's needs so that everyone can get what they need to feel safe and to learn.
You earn my trust by following the rules and taking responsibility when you make a mistake. Then, I can do less.
Only for work
Chromebooks are only for working. You may listen to music during independent work as long as you are getting work done. They should not be used for breaks or tasks unrelated to the assigned classwork.
I don't know how to start the work or it's too difficult.
1) re-read the directions 2)skip the beginning of the assignment and start somewhere else 3)ask staff for help.
There are lots of ways to approach our work. Regardless of the difficulty, we can work through it.
3 Materials
Get materials you need for class (pencil, Chromebook if they are out and you aren't restricted, binder, etc. . .) and sit in your seat.
Beanbag Chairs
You may sit on either one of them to do work or take a mindful moment. You may not sleep or misuse technology while on them. GoGuardian must remain available if you are using a Chromebook.
I just can't today.
Take a red card and, if possible, let staff know at the start of class. Do as much as you can so you don't fall behind and use coping skills appropriately so you don't keep other people from using theirs.
Personal technology
You may listen to music on your phone as long, but use a playlist and put the phone away. If I can hear your music, it's too loud. Do not bring handheld games and personal computers to school.
I need help from staff!
Either Mrs. Cohen or the classroom para can help you, whomever is available first. Please be flexible about who you get help from.
4 Packing up
When directed, put away your classroom materials and collect your contract. If you see something that needs putting away, please put it away.
Coloring Pages
Issues with classmates
Ask to speak with staff before class so we can problem-solve together.
If staff can't see your screen on GoGuardian, your screen needs to be visible to staff.
Airborne objects
Don't throw objects, trash, etc. Walk them to where they need to go. If you have a stress ball, keep it below your shoulders. Tossing a ball can happen if a comfort room or hallway break is available to you.
5 The Door
Keep the door closed until the bell rings. Do not open the fire door unless directed to do so or if we are having a fire drill.
String art
I have some sets of string started so you can use it during the school day. You need to be able to use it independently and use it appropriately.
Issues with staff.
Come to class, use coping skills, focus on your own success and do your work.
If possible, we can take a few minutes to problem-solve in class. If it's too big for that, let's set up a time to problem-solve outside of class. Another staff member or your therapist can provide support if necessary.
You should not check or send email during class unless 1)staff tells you they are sending you something or 2) you are checking something school or therapy related and talk with staff first to get permission.