Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
Kitchen Procedures
Respect and be safe
What do you do when you want to talk in class?
By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.

What do you do when you get in class?

You line up outside quietly with all your resources and wait for the teacher to invite you in. When invited in you come in quietly and stand behind your chair to wait for further instructions 


Can you access the kitchen when the teacher is not present?

No always seek permission before entering the classroom.


True or False this is a good practise: Only use your iPad when instructed to do so and only use your iPads for the activities you have been set that lesson (No photos or videos). No headphones unless told otherwise. 



What do you do to help others be a better student?

You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!


How do you ask for help in class?

If it is appropriate to do so you ask you partner and group. If you still can't get the answer raise your hand quietly and wait.


How should the kitchen be left when you finish cooking?

Cleaner then you found it


True or False you must ask before using the departments specialized equipment and ingredients


How do students respect other students properties?
By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before taking anything.

When can I use the bathroom?

Before school, during recess, and lunch recess. But you can also go if you have asked permission


When is it ok talk while the teacher is giving instructions.

Only if there is a medical emergency that the teacher has not been made aware of  

Can you pack up and leave when the bell goes?

No you may only pack up and leave when instructed to do so


What kind of food can students have in class when completing theory work?

Only Water. Unless you have asked permission.


What should you do if you have forgotten your equipment to work with in class ie. ipad, pen, booklet.

Ask a friend if you can borrow theirs or politely ask the teacher if there are any spares. Do not just sit and do nothing. 


What must you do before you start cooking?

Listen to instructions, put apron on and wash your hands 


Are you expected to always try your best?


How can you respect others?
By listening to them, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and gestures.

Can you go on drink breaks?

No you must ring a water bottle. 


Can you help yourself to the ingredients in the fridges?


Is it ok to be late for class

no unless you have a blue slip