When you come to school late after 8:35am, what do you do?
You need to go to the office to get a late slip.
What happens if theres already students excused from the classroom?
You must wait until they return.
Where should 3rd grade students dismiss?
At the back side of the school
When can I use the bathroom?
Before school, during bathroom break, at lunch
What happens to you when you get water or go to the bathroom without permission?
You might get wall detention and or lose your recess time.
What happens if you do not want to listen?
You will be sent to it if you disrespect your teachers, others and are not following rules to think about what you have done wrong.
Why do we do small group.
To learn information in a smaller setting.
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before school, during recess time. NOT DURING MATH
What do you do when the Ms. Green tells you to line up in thr morning or at P.E.?
You will walk quietly to you line and line up in ABC order.
What do you wear to school?
How do students line up?
When your name is called.