What do you do when you want to share an answer in class?
Raise your hand and wait
What do you do when you get in class?
What do you when you walk to the office or lunch?
Walk quietly on the right side of the hallway, do not interrupt others learning.
Where can you get an extra pencil?
The pencil loaner area AFTER you sign your name on the board.
What is the TARDY policy?
If any student is not at their seat when the bell rings.
8 = detention, 14 = community service, 18= 2 after school detentions, 22= 2 hours of community service.
What do you do to help other be a better student?
Positive Vibes only!
How do you ask for help in class?
Table partner first, then raise your hand for my help
What is our cell phone or smart watch policy?
Not allowed from 8:25am- 3:20pm.
What do I do when I enter Ms. Savage's classroom?
Walk in quietly, grab your journal, personal belongings on the floor, copy the agenda to planner and start with science warm-up.
NEVER!!!! :)
How do I signal to use the bathroom?
Peace Sign if I approve it then bring your planner my way to sign you out. (Emergency purposes only)
How are you supposed to wear your crocs?
Sport Mode !
Where can I find coloring materials, paper and other supplies I can use?
On the NORTH side of the classroom, please return materials and help keep things neat!
What days are Make-Up test days?
Wednesday morning @ 7:50 am - By appointment only !
What kind of food/liquid can students have in class?
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before class starts, independent learning time, during warm up.
What clothing breaks dress code policy?
Pants & shorts fit at the waist.
Clothing with writing must be free of images or reference to alcohol or tobacco or violence, race, color, religion . etc
What materials should I bring to class each day?
Planner, Science Folder, supplies(pencil, eraser, marker, highlighter).
How late can late work be?
Work can not be turned in after the unit test for all classes.
How can you respect others?
By listening to them, sharing common materials, and using appropriate language and gestures.
When can you leave your seat?
When asked to move for a given reason.
How should you behave in the cafeteria?
You should be in a seat, use an appropriate inside volume, be neat, and clean up after yourself.
How is class dismissed?
When my area is clean and Ms. Savage calls my scientist table.
What are the 6 Smith V.I.K.I.N.G.S PBIS compliments ? (Hint see planner)
Virtuos, Intelligent, Innovative, Noble, Gracious, Samaritan