Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
School rules
Working in Groups

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.


What do you do when you first get in class?

Make sure you have everything you need, sit quietly, and eat your snack.


Can you get points on Teacher vs. Student if another teacher compliments the class?



When you come to school late (ex. after 9:30), what do you do?

You need to go to the office to get a late slip. Give late slip to teacher.


How do you get your group to work together?

By taking turns talking and sharing.


What do you do to help others be a better student?

You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!


What is the procedure for playing Sudoku?

Finish all work first then you may ask to play.


Can you lose points in Teacher vs. Student?


Where should you play during recess?

Only in the area for your class that day.


How many people is considered a group?

2 or more people.


How do students respect other students properties?

By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before taking anything.


What is the procedure for having water bottles?

Place water bottle by the sink. When you want a sip, walk over to sink and drink your water then return the bottle back to the sink. You may only have water in water bottles.


How does Table Wars work? (HR only)

Table points will be given out to tables who are on task and working well. The table with the most points at the end of the week will get to pick a reward coupon.


What happens if you continuously break ROCK rules?

You will be given a warning then you will receive an infraction. 


What are the roles for each member?

Everyone should be working hard and on task. Everyone should be contributing. 


How can we have a positive learning environment?

Don't yell at others, show respect to others and yourself, listen to your speaker, whisper when working with someone, don't bully each other, don't give up, work your hardest.


When can you sharpen your pencil?

Never during class. You can swap out your pencil for a sharper one. 


How does ClassDojo work?

You earn points for following ROCK expectations in Ms. Cadet's class. At the end of the day (or week in Gilmore's class), the person with the most points gets something from Ms. Cadet's treasure box.


What do you do if there is a lockdown and you are in the hallway?

Go to the nearest classroom or hiding place.


What does a good working group look like?

They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting your work or project done.


When can you interrupt V.I.P./Small Group?

Only when there is an emergency or you have already asked three people.


What are the steps for using the restroom?

1. Sign out on the correct bathroom log with the time you're leaving.

2. Put bathroom bin on your desk.

3. Take bathroom pass to the bathroom.

4.Return to the classroom with the pass.

5. Put pass back in the bathroom bin.

6.Sign back in with the time you return.

7. Place bathroom bin back on the file cabinet.


How does Teacher vs. Student work?

Anytime you are doing what you are supposed to, students get a point. Anytime you are NOT doing what you are supposed to, teacher gets a point. At the end of the week, if students have the most points they get a reward.


How do students get sent to the office?

If you have 7 infractions within 20 days you will be sent to the office immediately. Parents will be notified.


What kind of noise will working in group sound like? What voice level?

Students talking quietly but not disrupting others. Level 2 voice.