What do you do when you get in class?
You hang up backpack on your chair, get out your homework and do what is on the board.
When you come to school late?
You need to go to the office to get a late slip.
When the whistle blows during recess what do you do?
Clean up and get in line
What are the three B's?
Be respectful, Be responsible, and Be safe
What signal do you use for the bathroom?
One Finger
What is two things you can not do during indoor recess?
Play on Chromebook or on Ms.Boger's white board.
How do you get Eagles Cash?
Following the 3 B's.
True or False. You yell at your group mates if they don't understand something.
What kind of drinks can students have in class?
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Anytime when the teacher is not talking.
What do you do when the yard duty person blows the whistle?
You will walk quietly to you line up.
What Cool Tool do you use for an assembly?
Awesome Assembly Attitiude
How do students line up?
In number order.
How should you behave in the hallway to the cafeteria?
You should be quiet at level 0.
Lunch Manners Matter, Peaceful Playground, Walking Right, Super Sub Spirit, Raise a quiet hand, quick quiet and clean, give tech respect, awesome assembly Attitiude.