What do you do when you get in class?
Sit down without talking and follow the POD
Can we leave early?
When you come to school late like after 9:30, what do you do?
Quietly come to the classroom with your books
How do you ask for help in class?
You raise your hand
Can I put things in my desk?
Where can we play during our science class break?
Nice try.
When can I use the bathroom?
Before Class or after class or next year
Does Mr. James like loud noises
How many natural satellites does the Earth have?
Can I take someone else's pencil bag?
Never ever ever
What is the easiest planet to see at night?
How do students get a pink slip?
By fighting, harassing others, threatening others, and disobeying the teacher.
How do students line up?
Quietly and not right by the door.
Can I set the classroom on fire?
Don't even think about it.
When can you go out of the class?
You can't unless your teacher sends you with a note or a hall pass.