What grades are offered in elementary schools ?
JK- Grade 8
What grades are offered in secondary schools?
Grade 9-12
Name a place in the community where you can get books, CDs. DVDs?
Public Library
Name two recreational activities that requires you to use a racket?
Badminton and Tennis
1. Western University
2. Fanshawe College
What does ESL stand for?
English as a Second Language
Schools in London also teach French as a subject? True or False
What is School Cash Online used for?
Paying for items for your child in school
Name three recreation activities that requires a ball to play?
1. Soccer
2. Basketball
3. Baseball
You need to check your boundary to ensure that you register at the appropriate school.
Name one public park in the City of London?
Springbank Park
Where do you check to see if you child is eligible for a school bus and what information do you need to enter?
You need to enter your address on: My Big Yellow Bus
What are the two main school boards called?
1.London District Catholic School Board
2.Thames Valley District School Board
What are a couple things a high school needs to graduate?
1. 40 hours of community involvement
2. Complete mandatory courses
3. Take and pass Literacy Test
High school students have two semesters per year and take 4 classes per semester? True or False