Why am I doing this?
Closure Steps
Common SDP Errors

The reason BGCBigs completes match closures. 

Helps the match feel supported and comfortable, demonstrates a healthy goodbye to the client, helps volunteer retention. 


These key pieces must be included in all closure letters. 

The status of the client/volunteer's file.

As the match is now officially closed, any further contact between your child and their Mentor is not permitted. As an agency, we are unable to provide any supervision or support to the relationship and so no longer will assume any responsibility for it from this date forward – Date.


This will help you complete closure steps correctly in SDP. 

The SB Closure Instructions document

Bonus (100 points): Where can you find this document on SharePoint?


The reason we should check a contact's POIs even if we know we won't be re-matching them. 

They could be involved in other agency programming and so we would need to re-assign the file instead of closing it. 


Match Closure Interviews are uploaded here

What is Match Wrap-Up Activity

Bonus (100) - What needs to be added to the title of the Match Wrap-Up Activity. 

Bonus Bonus (100) - What statement needs to be added in the Interview Summary within the to Match Closure Interview Details Tab?


What date should be entered within "Match End Date" on the Match Closure Tab? 

The date the closure letter was sent. 


A reason why a closure letter needs to be sent through SDP or uploaded in a general activity. 

We have a record of when the agency is no longer responsible for the match 


This step needs to be completed immediately upon initiating a premature match closure. 

Change match status to "Closure in Process". This is found on the Match's file under the General tab. 

This will populate a closure activity for you to document any closure related conversations. 


The facilitator was unable to complete match interviews with the client. Where are the two places this needs to be documented? 

Within the Match Closure Activity. The box If a Match Closure Interview Cannot Be Completed. 

Within the Match Closure tab in the Client Closure Details section. Inside the If no, reason: box. 


A reason why we strive to complete closures within 2 weeks. 

National Standards, ensures expectations are clear with match members (safety), holds match participants accountable, ensures we don't "forget" anyone in SDP. 


In this box, MFs should include a note regarding how the match ended on a positive note. This often includes if they had a celebratory final meeting or if you were able to celebrate the match with them. This could also include any plans for them to continue meeting on their own.

"Opportunity to reduce adverse effects from closure for child and to strengthen the positive impact" 

Bonus (100) - Give an example sentence of what would go in this box. 


A Facilitator successfully completes all the steps in a match closure. The volunteer file is closing so the facilitator completes any open activities and assigns blank screenings to the supervisor to be deleted. A closure letter was sent via SDP and a closure activity was completed. Weeks later, the facilitator notices the volunteer's file is still open. What step was missed?

Filling out the date for the field Date Contact Closes with Agency. 


A reason a SB volunteer would need to be sent back to enrollment after a match closure. 

SB volunteer was last screened over 3 years ago or they wish to change mentoring programs. 

Bonus (100): Since the volunteer is going back to enrollment what screening tool needs to be started? 


The facilitator completed the closure activity and the match closure tab. The match still has some follow-up tasks open. Two follow-ups are overdue and the remaining ones are due in the future. What should be done with these follow-ups? 

The overdue follow-ups should be completed if possible. If not possible (loss of contact or sudden closure) they should still be closed out with documentation why. 

Any future follow-up can be assigned to your supervisor for deletion.


A facilitator is closing Supervised Teen Mentoring matches. What should be selected for the "Why is the match closing? As a result of," and "Closure Reason" 

Agency (Agency should be selected for any programs with a set end date)

Program Completed 

Bonus (100) - Where can you find information on what each match closure reason means?