Bus Stop
Never put head or arms out of the bus window. Yes or no.
It is unsafe to change seats when the bus is in motion. Yes or no.
Yes. You need to stay in your seat until the bus is at a complete stop.
I can approach the bus before it comes to a full stop. Yes or no.
No. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop.
Place books and lunch bags in the aisle of the bus. Yes or no.
No. Keep your items inside of your seat.
Never use the handrail when boarding the school bus. Yes or no.
No. Always use the handrail when boarding the bus.
Talk to the bus driver while riding the bus. Yes or No.
No. Only talk to the bus driver while riding the bus if there is an emergency or a problem.
Wait until your bus comes to a full stop. Yes or no.
Yes. It needs to come to a full stop before entering or exiting the bus.
If you happen to drop any of your personal belongings, wait until the bus has left before you get it. Yes or no.
No. You need to make sure that you are out of the danger zone and tell a grown up.
Always use sidewalks when available. Yes or no.
Yes. Use sidewalks!
Never kneel on, lay down, or crawl under the seats on the bus. Yes or no.
Yes. Students should sit it in their seats.
I can wait until the bus is at the stop before I leave the house. Yes or no.
No. You should make sure you are on time for the bus.
We should be at the bus stop on time. Yes or no.
Yes. You need to be on time to the stop or a couple minutes early. You should not be late or running to the bus stop.
I should go directly to the sidewalk or move away from the bus as soon as I get off the bus. Yes or no.
Yes. You should move at least 10 steps away from the bus as soon as you get off the bus.
Always stay out of the school bus danger zone. Yes or no.
Yes. If you are in the danger zone, the bus driver can not see you.
Smaller children should be the last to enter the bus. Yes or no.
No. Enter the bus in a single file line and let the smaller children get on first.
If I am in the Danger Zone, the driver can see me. Yes or No.
No. The bus driver can not see you when you are in the Danger Zone.
We should play ball or other games at the bus stop. Yes or no.
No. You need to stand and wait for the bus.
Respect private property while waiting at the bus stop. Yes or no.
Yes. Be respectful to other people`s property.
Obey the bus driver at all times. Yes or no.
Yes. The bus driver knows the directions and the things that will keep you safe.
If there are no sidewalks, and you have to walk in the street, face traffic and walk in a single line. Yes or no.
Always stay where the bus driver cannot see you. Yes or no.
No. The bus driver needs to be able to see you.
I can stop and talk to the other children on the bus before taking my seat. Yes or no.
No. When getting on the bus, go directly to your seat.
Never talk loudly while riding the bus. Yes or no.
Yes. Keep voices quiet so the bus driver can concentrate on driving.
It is important to find a seat quickly and to sit down all the time. Yes or no.
Yes. Find your seat as soon as you get on the bus.
It is safe for bus riders to throw things on the bus. Yes or no.
No. Bus riders need to keep all of their belongings in their seat.