About your school Counselor
True or False
Multiple Choice
School counseling

What is your school counselors name?

Ms. Kait


Ms. Kait is allowed to tell your teacher and friends what you talk about in her office.

False! What you tell Ms. Kait will stay with Ms. Kait unless you are in danger, someone else is in danger, or you give her permission to share with others. This is known as confidentiality.


My school counselor will NEVER talk to my teachers.

A. My school counselor keeps everything between us. 

B. My school counselor will share everything with them since they work at the school. 

C. My school has a ethical responsibility to keep things between us. However there are times my school counselor will talk to my teacher. Ex: to keep me safe, to keep others safe, I asked her to talk to them. 


Name 3 problems Ms. Kait can help a student with.

Answers may vary.


Is Social Emotional Learning important? 



What days is your school counselor available?

Tuesdays and Thursdays


 I am in big trouble and Ms. Kait will be the person that will determine the consequence(s) for my action(s).

False! Ms. Kait is NOT responsible for providing consequences to students.  That is the role of the Principal, Mr. Costello. 


I hate talking about feelings. So, I'm not going to participate in class. 

A. Thats fine, you don't have to. 

B. Everyone has feelings, and it is important to learn their names, what they feel like and how we can handle them. 

C. Everyone is expected to participated in class. 

D. Both B & C

D. Both B & C


Is it okay to get angry?

Yes! We all have emotions. We just have to learn how to handle our anger.


What does SEL stand for?

Social Emotional Learning.


Ms. Kait has been at Bennett for how many school years?

This is Ms. Kait's 3rd year at Bennett!


Students who are more socially and emotionally confident have less friends?


Socially and emotionally confident students are more  likely to feel connected to school and do well, and less likely to be left out and bullied.


Which of the following is false: 

A) Your school counselor will listen to you without judgment.

B) If your teacher asks you to visit with the school counselor, it must mean that you are in trouble.

C) Your school counselor works with teachers and parents to better help and support students. 


You are not in trouble if the school counselor wants to visit with you. 


If Ms. Kait is not at school. Who else can you talk to?

Any adult in the building, that you feel comfortable talking to. 


Why do we learn about SEL in school?

SEL helps students learn social skills and emotional intelligence that can improve their academic performance, self-esteem, and interactions with others


If you need to see your school counselor, What should you do? 

-Ask your teacher if they could let your school counselor know you would like to see them.

-When you see your school counselor at recess, lunch or in class- ask if they are available to meet with you.


Your school counselor will always tell your parents, teacher and/or school principal what you talk about with them.


Your school counselor will only share information with others if -you are being hurt, -someone else is getting hurt, -you want to hurt yourself…or you give permission to share.  The school counselor might also encourage you to communicate important information to people who can support you.


Gilbert the therapy dog comes to school because:

A. He gets board at home.

B. He loves getting pets

C. He provides comfort/affection/support to people who may be facing challenges

D. None of the above


Gilbert has been trained to be a therapy dog and provide comfort to people with struggles/big emotions. 


What does it mean when Ms. Kait says she is a "safe person" to talk to?

The school counselor cares about you and is here to support you. All feelings are valid and Ms. Kait will be non-judgemental, supportive and is a safe adult you can trust.
Social Emotional learning only happens in Ms. Kaits room? Give an example. 

No. We learn about it in our classroom, at recess, in the lunchroom, etc.


Name 2 things Ms. Kait really likes...

Any appropriate answer


I can skip class anytime to talk to the school counselor. 


DO NOT SKIPP CLASS. The number one goal at school is learning. If you need to talk to the counselor, you can set up a time that is appropriate to meet with them. Talk to your counselor or teacher. 


I can talk to my school counselor about:

A. My friendships

B. My parents fighting

C. How my teacher makes me feel

D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The school counselor is here to support you. School counselors listen, offer different insight, and support.


Ms. Kait know how to handle every emotion and never makes mistakes


We all make mistakes and sometimes emotions are tricky. 


Name 2 SEL topics from last year.

Any of the following are right.

Feelings, coping skills, bullying, being a kind friend, drug awareness, Team work, careers, perseverance, etc.