
How do you design, develop, implement, and evaluate a school counseling program?

Review needs assessment

Review parent surveys

Review school report card

Review attendance information

Review discipline information

Review test scores

Review passage rate

Review graduation rate

Revise Mission Statement

Revise Vision Statement

Identify goals

Develop ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors Action Plan

Develop Classroom Guidance Lessons

Develop Group Counseling Sessions

Develop Closing the Gap Plan

Develop your yearly calendar

Collaborate with Teachers before implementing activities

Conduct Classroom Guidance Lessons

Conduct Group Counseling Sessions

Conduct Individual Counseling

Implement Closing the Gap Plan

Meet with Advisory Committee

Complete Classroom Guidance Results Report

Complete Group Counseling Results Report

Complete Closing the Gap Results Report

Have annual meeting with administrator

Evaluate the effectiveness of your services and identify areas in which you should make changes.

Report findings to parents, teachers, administrators, school board, and other stakeholders


What are the different ways that you assess a school counseling program?

Needs assessment

School Counseling Program Assessment

Classroom Results Report

Small Group Results Report

Closing the Gap Results Report


How do you use technology applications to manage and evaluate school counseling programs?

Develop Calendars (Microsoft Word)

Develop Action Plans and Results Reports (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel)

Develop graphs and charts (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel)

Research and download student data (school system database, Microsoft Excel)

Research data from the internet

Google Drive to save and share everything

Google Forms to develop and disseminate surveys.

 Aggragate and Disaggregate data (Microsoft Excel)

Present results of evaluations (Microsoft PowerPoint) 

Newsletter (Microsoft Word, Canva)


How do you use and report data for program improvement?

Use: Reviewing data over time identifies strengths, gaps, and systemic issues

Use: Analyze progress toward full implementation of the comprehensive school counseling program




Slideshow presentations to stakeholders

One-page handouts

Inclusion in larger report to administrators and school board members

Inclusion in school or district data materials

Use charts and graphs 


What is the difference between participation, Mindsets & Behaviors, and outcome data?

Participation data answers the question "Who  participated in what activities?"

Mindsets & Behaviors data answers the question "What did students learn through participation in school counseling activities? 

Outcome data answers the question "How did the learning affect students' achievement, attendance, or discipline?"


What is the ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards and Competencies Assessment?

This assessment is a self-report of the acquisition of the mindsets and behaviors school counselors need to meet the school counseling profession's rigorous demands and pre-K-12 students' needs.


How do you develop annual student outcome goals?

1. Use achievement, attendance, and/or discipline data to create annual student outcome goals aligned with the school improvement plan.

2. Write goals in a measurable format, including baseline and target data within the goal statement.

3. Use student data and results from survey tools to monitor and refine annual student outcome goals.

4. Communicate student outcome goals to administrators, teachers, and other stakeholders


Why is it important to assess the school counseling program?

To determine the effectiveness of the program

To inform potential improvements to school counseling program design and delivery

To show how students are different as a result of the school counseling program.


What are the components of an annual administrative conference as found in the ASCA Fourth Edition Annual Administrative Conference Template?

Data priorities


School Counselor Use of Time

Ratio and Caseload

Program Implementation Plan

Professional Development Plan

Committees and Professional Work

Budget for Materials and Supplies

School Counselor's Availability

Other Staff and Volunteers


How do you evaluate program effectiveness and student outcomes?

Pre/Post Test during Classroom Guidance Lessons

Pre/Post Test during Group Sessions

Pre/Post of Attendance

Pre/Post of Achievement

Pre/Post of Discipline
