Meet Your Counselor/SEL Coach
Counselor/SEL Coach Role

Who is the school counselor? 

Ms. Z


What kind of things can Ms. Z and Mrs. Baylink help with? 





Learning about different careers, finding your strengths

Learning about your brain


What is confidentiality?

Confidentiality means that what you tell Ms. Z and Mrs. Baylink stays between us.  We won't tell students, teachers, or others UNLESS we have to in order to keep you safe (like if someone was hurting you or you wanted to hurt yourself or someone else) or you give us permission.  Then, we would only share with the people who need to know in order to keep you safe. 


True or False: I can only talk to Ms. Z or Mrs. Baylink if I have a big problem. 

False!  You don't have to even have a problem to see us.  Our job is to listen to what is on your mind.  We can help with problems, but we can also celebrate successes and help you build on your strengths. 


Who is the SEL Coach? 

Mrs. Baylink


True or False: Ms. Z and Mrs. Baylink make decisions about discipline.

False.  We may help you learn from mistakes or come up with a plan for how you can make things better, but we do not make decisions about discipline. 


What is the difference between tattling and reporting? 

Tattling is telling about a small problem just to get someone else in trouble.  Reporting is telling adult about a problem in order to get help.    


True or False: If Ms. Z or Mrs. Baylink pull you from class unexpectedly, it means you are in trouble. 

False!  We see students for lots and lots of different reasons.  Sometimes students are working on projects or have a job with us.  Sometimes we want to congratulate you on something.  If we ask to see you, it doesn't mean something is wrong. 


Where was Ms. Z born?

Las Vegas, Nevada


How can you see Ms. or Mrs. Baylink?

Fill out a note and put it under Ms. Z's door.  Ms. Z or Mrs. Baylink will meet with you as soon as we can.  Remember, we might not be available right away.  If it's urgent, you can talk to your teacher and they might choose to call us on our radio.  


Name something you should always report. 

Concerns about safety--yours or a friend/classmate's


Racism or bias-based put-downs

Injuries or illness


Name something you might do with Ms. Z or Ms. Baylink if you ask to take a break with us during math, reading, science, or social studies. 

Take a walk

Use a sensory tool, like kinetic sand or putty. 

Use a breathing strategy

Talk with us


Name at least 1 animal that Mrs. Baylink has.

Bunny, chickens, ducks, dog, cat. 

How do you get a lunch group? 

Ms. Z and Mrs. Baylink will let you know when it's your turn to have a lunch group.  Our goal is to make sure every student in the school gets at least one lunch group this year.  We will choose the groups.  


Who can I report things to? 

Any adult at school- your teacher, counselors, principal, assistant principal, teaching assistants, bus drivers, etc. 


If you are having a problem with a friend, what are some ways Ms. Z and Mrs. Baylink might help? 


Help you see things from a different perspective

Help you come up with a plan

Role play using an I-message

Provide space for you to talk with the friend