About Me!
The Blazers
Mr. Emotion
What do you do again?

"Say my name, Say my name"

Who is Mr. Harness?

Bonus points if you know my government name...



The total number of students at Elisa Nelson rounded to the nearest hundred. 

What is 400?


This is a range of thoughts, feelings and experiences that make up your overall mental and emotional well-being.

What is mental health?


These are the people you ask when you need to see Mr. Harness.

Who is your teacher, your parents, Mr. Harness, other ENE staff. 


The CORRECT university to attend in Florida. 

What is the University of Florida (UF)? GO GATORS!


This color, often associated with royalty, is a favorite of Mr. Harness. 

What is PURPLE?


This prime number represents the total number of classes at Elisa Nelson. 

What is 23?


Emotions, feelings, and moods are different words that mean the same thing. 

What is False?... that be real wrong. 


This is where you can probably find Mr. Harness before school, but if you look here during the day he is unlikely to be there. 

What is his office?


The number of revolutions around the sun that have occurred since 1991. 

What is 33?


On this day, 13 days before the end of all hallows eve, Mr. Harness celebrates his birthday. 

What is October 19th?


The school counselor, the school psychologist, and the social worker are collectively called this at Elisa Nelson. 

What is Student Services/the Student Services Team? 


There are 6 primary emotions, name them. 

Happy, Sad, Anger, Surprise, Fear, Disgust


Secrets don't make friends, but Mr. Harness is required to keep everything you talk about a secret.

What is a little true but also a little false? Let me explain...


This doctor can usually be found around ENE with a walkie talkie, though I'm not sure I would go to them for a medical check up. I don't they're that kind of doctor. 

Who is Mr. Harness?

I hold a PhD which is why adults sometimes refer to me as Dr. 


This place, sometimes called the Land of Lincoln, is the birthplace of the skyscraper and the original home of Mr. Harness. 

What is Illinois?


This number in Roman Numerals is written XIX. It also happens to be the average class size of grades 3-5 at ENE.

What is 19?


Grounding (5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, one thing you can taste) is an example of these, often used when we are experiencing intense negative emotions. 

What are coping skills or coping strategies?


Bullying, testing strategies, emotion regulation, conflict resolution, friendship, and jobs/careers are examples of these. 

What are things you might talk to Mr. Harness about?


This can be found at the 28.07 latitude and -82.76 longitude. 

What is Elisa Nelson Elementary?


The atomic number of germanium, the freezing point or water, the average length of a comic book and Mr. Harness all have this in common. 

What is 32? 

32 protons in the nucleus of germanium (atomic number)

32 degrees - Freezing point of water

32 pages - average comic book length

32 years old - Mr. Harness' age


This is the percent of the school year we have already completed. (Hint there are 180 school days in one school year)  

What is 10.56%


Resisting temptation, controlling impulses, adapting to new situations, and planning are all examples of these C-suite level skills.

What are executive functioning skills?


Nurse Brooke helps to fix physical wounds, Mr. Harness helps to fix these less visible injuries. 

What are emotional wounds?


"My sport is your sports punishment" is a popular slogan for this sport that Mr. Harness participated in for many years. 

What is Cross Country?

one mile: 4:32; two mile: 9:52

5k: 15:55; Marathon:3:32

(The only one I for sure remember is the mile time)