Counselor facts
In the Counseling Office
Being a good human
Mrs. Costa
Counseling 101

What is your School Counselor's name

Mrs. Costa


What are two items you might find in my office?

Laptop, lots of fidgets, art supplies, games, books, a yoga ball, a wobble stool, me!


Three parts of the Skipper Creed are _______

Be safe, respectful and responsible


True or false: I have a dog

True! Her name is Fenway. She is a 16 year old weenie dog.


How do I set up a time to meet with Mrs. Costa?

You can ask an adult to call my office to see if I am available, you could walk to my office after getting an adult's permission, you could leave me a note


True or False: My office is located across from the music room

False-my office is located next to the nurse's office


True or false: If I go to the counseling office I am in trouble

False. My office is for chatting and students aren't in trouble when they come to my office.


Why is it important to come to school every day?

You get to learn, your peers would miss you if you weren't here, the adults at home and at school think school is important.


True or false: I have two kids

False-I have three kids!


What are two things a school counselor does? 

I talk with students about their feelings, teach classroom lessons, run lunch groups, help solve problems, talk with adults at school about how awesome you are, talk with adults at home (sometimes) about how awesome you are or if you told me something you want me to share with them. 


How many years have I worked as a School Counselor at Deer Hill?

14 years


My favorite thing in my office is ______

Hint: many adults do not love this but I do!



Getting angry is ok! What is one thing you can you do when you feel angry at school?

Use the words-"I am feeling angry", tell a peer, tell an adult, ask to come and see me.


What state was I born in?



Name one person I might talk to to learn more about you

You, adults at home, your teacher, last year's teacher, last year's counselor.


What days of the week am I at Deer Hill?

Monday through Friday


Yes or no: I am allowed to tell your friends what you talked about in my office

No. What is discussed in my office is private EXCEPT if someone is hurting you, you are hurting yourself or you know about someone being hurt.


What does using your WITT stand for?

Walk away, Ignore, Talk it out, Tell an adult


My top five favorite foods are:

Donuts, macaroni and cheese, fresh bread, oatmeal raisin cookies, anything with BBQ sauce


True or false: I have to have a problem to go see Mrs. Costa

False. Students come and see me for help with school work, to share fun things that are happening in their lives, help with friendship drama, help dealing with the adults at home, a place to just relax


True or false: I had to go to college to become a school counselor

True. I went to college in Vermont and moved to Massachusetts to get my Masters Degree is Counselor and Expressive Art Therapy.

Yes or no: Can you go and see Mrs. Costa without asking an adult?

No. Before coming to see me you must let an adult know.

Social skills are important skills every person needs in order to have healthy relationships. Name two social skills.

Listening, taking turns, sharing, using your manners, cooperating, using eye contact, controlling your emotions, making and keeping friends, being a problem-solver, being flexible


True or false: One of my daughters is named after a lake

True-my daughter Willoughby is named after Willoughby Lake in Vermont.


Yes or no: Do I ever work with other school counselors?

Yes. I talk with school counselors from your previous schools and the school counselors at the middle school and high school.