My Counselor
Student Services

What is your counselor's name?

Ms. Brandt


I can see Ms. Brandt if I am feeling sad

Yes!  The counselor is a great person to talk with about your feelings


If I need support with organization, I can meet with my counselor to come up with some helpful ideas.

Yes!  If organization isn't your strength right now, Ms. Brandt can teach you some helpful strategies.


Name one adult that can be found in the student services office.

Counselor, Academic Support, School Psychologist


What does your counselor like do outside of school?

Hang with family and friends, run, bike, play soccer, enjoy the outdoors


Ms. Brandt will not be able to help me if I am mad or angry about something

False!  Ms. Brandt can meet with you to learn more about your anger, and we can work together to develop strategies to help you. 


If I am not comfortable talking with a teacher, I can visit with my counselor for support.

Yes!  Your counselor is a great resource to help you learn how to advocate for your needs.


If I want to meet with my counselor, I can stop into the Student Services office.

Yes!  If the counselor isn't available at that time, Mrs. Justice, the student services secretary, will give you a form to complete and the counselor will find you as soon as possible to help.


Name one thing that your counselor does to help support students?

Answers should be in the realm of academic, social, emotional, or behavioral needs.


If I see someone being mean to someone else at school, I can talk with Ms. Brandt.

Yes!  If you talk with Ms.Brandt or another trusted adult about someone's rude, disrespectful or bullying behavior, you will help many people...not just the victim, but also the bully and other potential victims.


True or False:  My counselor can help me with goal setting and future planning (high school, post high school, college/career readiness)?

True!  Ms. Brandt can help you set, track, and maintain goals that are important for you to reach in 6th grade and beyond.


If I don't want to go to the Student Services Office, another way I can connect with my counselor is...

E-mail Ms. Brandt or ask a teacher or parent to talk with the counselor first


What is a reason why you can visit with your counselor?

(Many answers can count)


If I see something on text or social media (Snapchat, Instagram, Google Hangout, etc...) that makes me uncomfortable, I should talk with my counselor or another trusted adult. 

Yes!  Always talk with a counselor or trusted adult if you see/hear something on social media that seems wrong, makes you feel unsafe, or uncomfortable. 


My counselor can help me when I am feeling stressed. 

Yes!  Your counselor can teach you lots of relaxation strategies and other techniques that can help reduce stress. 


What I tell my counselor is between me and my counselor, unless...


1) You have a plan to hurt yourself

2) Someone is hurting you

3) You have a plan to hurt someone else

4) You give me permission to share