Where is my office?
Elementary building, across from the library, and next to the Spanish room.
Who is Kelso?
The problem solving frog.
TWO PARTS! (1) Is it okay to be angry? (2) What is are three ways to calm down when angry?
(1) YES (2) Take a deep breath, remove yourself from the situation if possible, ask to get a drink or go to the bathroom, count in your head, use a stress ball, ask to come see me. All of this needs to be done with your teacher's permission.
What is a career?
A specific job that you hold for an extended period of time.
How can Mrs. Bocanegra help academically?
Organization, goal setting, time management, study habits.
How do you set up an appointment with Mrs. Bocanegra?
You can ask her directly, send an email, ask a teacher, ask your parents to reach out.
Name 5 Kelso's Choices that can help you to solve a problem.
Go to another game, talk it out, share and take turns, ignore it, walk away, tell them to stop, apologize, make a deal, wait and cool off
What is a goal?
Something that you work to achieve.
For my ideal career I need to combine my ________ & ________.
Chose two of the following:
wants, interests, aspirations, likes, needs, dreams, goals, finances
likes; interests
Why is it important to be organized?
Easier to find papers and homework, less stressful, more prepared for class, good life skill
Name three topics that we talked about in Classroom Guidance last year.
Team work, bullying, breaking stereotypes, organization, caring, empathy, respect, growth mindset
What is the difference between tattling and reporting
Tattling is to get someone into trouble, reporting is to protect someone.
What is a S.M.A.R.T. goal?
S - specific
M - measurable
A - attainable
R - realistic
T - time bound
Careers require a _________ degree or _________ _________ _________ training.
college; on the job
What are 3 great ways to prepare for a test?
Create a study guide, quiz yourself, have someone else quiz you, flash cards, ask any questions you may have
What are three ways in which I counsel students?
Individually, small groups, classroom guidance.
Who do you report a BIG PROBLEM to?
To a trusted adult.
Having a _______ _______ will help me to become the best version of myself.
Growth mindset
What is a career cluster?
A group of careers that share common features.
Why is time management important?
Helps you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, more free time, lowers your stress, helps you to focus, punctuality, helps in most aspects of your life.
What are the categories I work on with students? HINT: There are 4!
Personal, social, academic, and career
How do you know a problem has become a BIG PROBLEM?
When someone or something is or could be in danger.
What is a growth mindset?
The belief that you can get smarter, stronger, faster, better, at anything if you work hard enough and do not give up.
Name 3 career clusters
human services, health science, law pub safety & security, hospitality and tourism, marketing sales & service, business management & admin, finance, gov & pub admin, ag and natural resources, architecture & construction, transportation distribution & logistics, manufacturing, STEM, IT, arts av tech & comm, edu and training
Why is it important to set goals?
Goals give you motivation and focus for your future.