What does Dr. Hannett do?
Problems, Problems, Problems
Important Info.
Stop Bullies!
How can I be involved at Cimino?
Name 2 topics that Dr. Hannett may teach to you in your classroom.
Bullying, Study Skills, Getting Along with Others (conflict resolution), Careers, Personal Safety, Differences, Peer Pressure, Goal Setting, Responsibility, Caring, Kindness. Cooperation, Gratitude, Perseverance, Honesty, Respect, Self-Control
What kind of problems can you talk to a counselor about?
Friendship problems family problems bullying study skills stress feelings when you are scared of feeling unsafe at home or at school.
How many counselors do we have at Cimino?
Just me - one
Who can be a bully?
Anyone can be a bully.
Name one way you can get involved in the media center?
Morning Show; library assistant, lunch bunch book talks
Why would you come see Dr. Hannett individually?
Having difficulty at home, school, with family or friends; someone is bullying you or making you feel unsafe; feeling anxious or angry; want to celebrate some of your successes.
What is an emergency?
An emergency is when you are being threatened or hurt at home or in school by someone, you lost a family member, something has happened to make you extremely upset (besides a friendship problem), or you are scared for your safety.
Where is my office located?
In the back of the main office.
How do you tell between being bullied and someone just being mean?
When you are bullied, the bullying happens repeatedly. It is not just one time.
Name one club we have at Cimino?
Green Team Care Team Chorus Drama Kids - new this year Math Club Run Club Art Club
True or False: Dr. Hannett's job is to focus on whatever gets in the way of a student's ability to learn and succeed.
How do you get to talk to Dr. Hannett individually when you have a problem?
Ask your teacher for a blue slip, fill it out, and bring it to the office or give it to your teacher.
What is Peer Mediation?
Peer mediation is an opportunity to peacefully work out your differences. Two peer students will help you solve your differences and come up with a plan that works for both students.
What should you do if you feel that you are being bullied?
Tell an adult who you trust. Such as: your teacher, Dr. Hannett, your parents, Officer Smith, Mrs. Dowdy, Mrs. Norris, anyone who you trust.
What service projects can I help with at Cimino?
Operation Patriot; Echo Food Drive; Project Twinkle Toes; Relay for Life and Coins for a Cure; Spruce Up Cimino
Name one other thing Dr. Hannett does besides teaching classes and talking to students individually.
Small Group Counseling, Cougar Cool Cats, Report Card Awards, Monitor your Progress, School Wide Activities such as Red Ribbon Week, Care Team, Peer Mediators, Veterans' Day Celebration
What is another way you can solve a friendship problem besides talking to Dr. Hannett?
You can talk it out with a friend ask another adult for help like your teacher apologize if you need to, share, take turns, compromise, negotiate a plan, move away from someone who is bothering you, use firm words, ignore, or be friendly. Or ask to go to Peer Mediation
Why do you call me Dr. Hannett?
She has a Doctorate Degree in Curriculum and Instruction.
Name 2 types of bullying.
Cyber Physical Verbal Social
What are some fun events that I can take part in at Cimino? Name one.
Meet the Teacher, Fall Festival, Cougar Challenge, All Pro Dads, Math Night, Family Night, Reading Under the Stars, Book Fair, Field Day, Dance Out Drugs, Storybook Character Parade, Chorus Concerts, Art Show, Relay for Life
What kind of small groups does Dr. Hannett run at Cimino?
Self-Esteem Anger Management/Self-Control Anxiety Divorce and others as needed
What is confidentiality?
Confidentiality means that everything we talk about is private, that means it stays between you and me. The only times I may have to break confidentiality is if you have hurt someone, or are threatening to, if someone is hurting you, or if you are hurting yourself. I will let you know if I have to call your parents.
What is a Character Gram and where do you put these?
A character gram is an opportunity for a friend to receive a "shout out" for showing great character. You can put these in the Character Gram Mailbox just outside Dr. Hannett's office entrance.
What can I do if someone is cyber bullying me?
Tell an adult you trust. Get off the on line site. Block that person. Don't put or share personal information on line.
What makes Cimino a great school?
Our GREAT Character, but most of all YOU!!!!!