What can you do if you are working hard, but still not getting how to do something?
Try a new strategy
What was Jeff Veley's (the speaker on Thursday) solution to win the "power game," (also known as bullying)?
1. Don't get upset or
2. Don't care what the haters say
How can strong emotions impact the decisions you make?
You may react faster than your brain is able to think.
True or False: You are born being smart or good at things
False: Everyone grows by practicing, failing and learning from their mistakes.
Hard work + Good strategies + help from others is the formula for what?
The Formula for Learning
What War did the phrase of Sticks and Stones come from?
The Civil War
What is a helpful thing to do if you are having strong emotions?
True or False: When you practice, your brain makes new neural pathways?
True: This is how your brain grows and learns new things.
What is the word for something you aim for or a result that you want.
What is a goal
What is the Sticks and Stones phrase?
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
What is the name of the alarm that goes off when you have strong emotions?
Your feelings alarm
What happens to the cortex when the "feelings alarm" goes off in your brain?
The cortex becomes overwhelmed or isn't able to think is a helpful way.
Which of these goals are vague and which is specific?
Goal #1: Play 3 Varsity Sports in high school
Goal #2: Be more outgoing
Goal #1 is a specific goal
Goal # 2 is a vague goal
What does the Golden Rule mean and why was it invented?(200 points for each of these questions)
It means treat others like friends-even your enemies (worth 200 points)
It was invented to help people work with difficult people in their lives. (worth 200 points)
Is it okay to use every emotion-management strategy in every place or setting (outside, home, school)? Why or Why not?
No, because it is okay to listen to music at home, but might not be okay in a classroom (the student could use another example, too).
Finish this sentence, "The cortex is the ___________ part of the brain?"
What is thinking
What are the three steps in reaching a goal?
1. Set a goal
2. Break down your goal
3. Monitor your progress
What are the three things that could happen if you follow the Golden Rule with difficult students/teachers at school?
1. Grow your resilience
2. Be seen as a leader
3. Turn your enemies into your friends
1 correct= 125 points, 2 correct = 350 points and 3 correct = 500 points
What is the word for guidelines for how people are expected to behave in a certain place or setting?
What is Norms
What is the emotion part of your brain called (also known as the "feelings alarm")?
The amygdala (pronounced ah mig dah la)