No _____ in the hallways.
What should you always do with your chair when you get up?
push in your chair
Face the ______________
What is voice level 0?
Which rule is being broken? Oscar is standing up talking to Jose Arturo.
#5 Oscar is not following Mrs. Cavazos' rule of sitting at our desk.
Always walk in a ________ line.
When do I get or sharpen a pencil?
As soon as we walk into the classroom
Hands behind your __________
What is voice level 1?
Mia is talkin while Mrs. Cavazos is giving instructions. Which rule is being broken?
#2 Always listen when someone is speaking.
True or False? We can touch the bulletin boards when they are pretty.
When can I go to the restroom?
When Mrs. Cavazos is done with the lesson/during solo time
Catch a _________
What is voice level 2?
Santiago pushed Luis while standing in line. Which rule is not being followed?
#4 keep your hands, feet, and things to yourself.
#5 not following Mrs. Cavazos' line rules
True or False? Teachers give us compliments when we walk in a straight line quietly with our hands behind our back.
How do you sit correctly?
both feet underneath your desk, sit up nice and straight and push in your chair.
Why do we need to face the front when walking in a line?
If the person in front stops we won't see or if theres something in the way we might fall
What is voice level 3?
Santiago's desk is a mess there's papers and torn books. Which rule is not being followed?
#3 Clean up after yourself.
True/False. Mrs. Cavazos gives the class Dojo points if we get compliments in the hallway.
How should your desk/books be organized?
No lose papers/no pencils items left behind
books on one side journals on the other.
Daniel pushed Xander in the line. How could this have been avoided?
Hands should be behind our back.
When is it okay to scream and shout?
Peprally, recess, PE
My homeroom class is getting in trouble in the cafeteria for being loud and getting up. Which rule is not being followed?
#5 Follow directions from all JLA staff members.