School Rules
What Should I Do?
Coping Skills
Wild Card

List two privacy rules.

Don't show others/ask to see private areas, don't touch others' private areas


I finish running my laps and someone is using the ball I brought out for recess.  What should I do?

Join their game, play another game, ask them for the ball back.


I call another student a name at recess.  What is an appropriate consequence?

Write an apology note, walk a lap, move clip, note home, etc.


I am really nervous about the test today.  What can I do to calm down?

Take deep breaths, talk to friends, remind myself I am prepared, do something fun, etc.


What is it called when someone says they will hurt someone else?

A threat.


List three playground rules.

Hands/feet to self, use equipment the right way, stay in assigned areas.


Someone says they want to die.  What should I do?

Tell my teacher or another adult right away.


I punch someone in the stomach because they aren't playing fair.  What is a likely consequence?

Phone call home, office referral, structured recess.


I am SO MAD because someone is OUT in gaga ball and won't leave!  What can I do to calm down?

Take a breath, count to 10, take a break from the game, ignore the other person, etc.


what area is allowed at recess?

within eye view of the teacher and on the fields/playgrounds. 


What is one classroom rule. 

Low voice volume, walk in line, and hands/feet to self.


Someone says they are going to hurt someone else.  What should I do?

Tell my teacher or another adult right away.


I was climbing on bathroom stalls, looking over the top, and making others uncomfortable.  What is a likely consequence?

Phone call home, office referral, bathroom restrictions (having to use bathroom alone/with escort).


My mom and dad have been arguing at home and it's really bothering me.  What can I do?

Talk to mom and dad, go see the counselor, do something fun to distract myself, etc.


List two examples of a threat.

saying you're going to hurt someone, bringing a weapon to school, drawing a picture of a classmate dying, writing a note saying you will hurt someone, 


what is a cafeteria rule. 

Get everything you need the first time through the line, stay in your seat, food to self, low voice volume, clean up after yourself.


Someone wrote an inappropriate note about private parts and left it in another student's desk.  What should I do?

Tell my teacher or another adult.


I was throwing food at lunch.  What is a likely consequence?

Written reflection, note home, sitting alone at lunch, silent lunch in office, clean up mess.


I am feeling VERY silly today and have a lot of extra energy!  What can I do to calm down without getting in trouble?

Do some chair push ups, ask my teacher to run an errand, ask my teacher for help/a movement break, etc.


Why is it important to have rules about privacy and threats?

So everyone feels safe and comfortable at school.


List three bathroom rules.

Respect privacy, clean up after yourself, return to class quickly, go.flush.wash.


Someone is in my space and making me feel uncomfortable.  What should I do?

Move away, tell the person to back up.  If they continue, ask for help from an adult.


I said I was going to bring a knife to school.  What is a likely consequence?

Office referral, phone call home/parent conference, talk to school resource officer, possible more serious consequences!


My teacher called on me when I wasn't listening and everyone laughed.  How can I handle it?

Laugh it off, ignore them, try to listen better next time, etc.


Name one of the police officers that help out at ELE.

Officer Sprinkle or Officer Holmes