When are you allowed to sharpen your pencils?
In the morning when you get to school, after recess, and after lunch.
Where should you eat your snack?
At the tables by the cafeteria.
What type of shoes are allowed at PE?
Shoes that can be secured and won't fall off.
Where should your lunch box go when you arrive in class?
Black bucket by the door.
How should your backpack be hung on your chair?
Backpack straps should go over the chair completely so that the backpack can't fall off the chair.
Where are you allowed to run at recess?
In the grassy areas
Who is your PE teacher?
Mr. Jumonville or Mr. Mustachio
When is it ok to share food?
It is never ok to share food, even if they are your friends.
Where do you turn your work in when you are finished?
Basket on the cabinet next to your colorful boxes.
Where do you line up after recess?
On the basketball court next to the halfcourt line.
What days do you have PE?
Tuesday & Thursday
Where should you line up after lunch recess (to go to lunch to eat)?
On the blacktop by the basketball court and the playground.
What should the inside of your desk look like?
Binder on the left side, text books and chapter book on the right side. NO papers, pencils, crayons, headphones, or anything else.
If you are playing a game at recess and accidentally hurt somebody, what should you do next?
Apologize and make sure they are ok. If they are hurt, find a teacher or proctor to help.
Are you allowed to bring your water bottle to PE? If so, whose responsibility is it to take care of it?
Where do you line up after you eat your lunch?
What should you do if you don't understand something we are doing?
Ask Mrs. Ibarra for help!
If you see that a classmate or another student is left out, what is something you might do to be kind?
During warm-ups, if you don't feel like participating is that ok?
No, you should participate to the best of your ability at all times!
What do you do if you need help while in the cafeteria?
Raise your hand and quietly wait for a proctor.