What is 1x9?
What is 9.
What is 9 divided by 3?
A house is and example of a...
What is a noun.
What is the answer of an addition question called?
What is the sum.
There are many types of punctuation that can end a sentence. A period is one. Name 1 more.
What is exclamation point/question mark.
What is 2x8?
What is 16?
What is 25 divided by 5?
What is 5.
Munns Public School is an example of...
A proper noun
What is the answer of a subtraction question called?
What is the difference.
These go around things people are saying in a text.
What is quotation marks.
What is 24.
What is 30 divided by 3?
What is 10.
"Walking" is an example of...
What is a verb.
When starting an addition or subtraction problem, is is important to begin with the _____'s place.
What is the ones.
Having one of these in a sentence indicates a list, or the need to pause fora small breath.
What is a comma.
What is 8x6?
What is 48.
What is 44 divided by 11?
"Slowly" is an example of...
What is an adverb.
When looking at a multiplication question, the "X" represents what word? EX. 4 X 2 = 8
What is times.
When we use clues the author leaves for us to figure out information, we are____________.
What is inferring or making inferences.
What is 12x4?
What is 48.
What is 100 divided by 10?
What is 10.
"She/her" is an example of...
What is a pronoun.
The answer to a multiplication question can be called the _______?
What is the product.