Matter and Energy

What is matter? Give three examples.

Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. Examples: water, human, school (can be anything really).


What does porter mean in French?

To wear.


What is the formula for volume for a triangular prism?



How many types of poems did we learn? What are they?

Seven. Acrostic poems, Creature Alliteration poems, Colours poems, Cinquain poems, Haikus, Limericks, and Concrete poems.


What are the notes in the musical alphabet?

C, D, E, F, G, A, B.


What is a heterogeneous mixture? What is a homogeneous mixture? Give an example of each.

Heterogeneous mixtures are mixtures with different parts that can be seen with your own eyes. Examples: pizza, cookies, party mix, etc.

Homogeneous mixtures are mixtures in which the different parts are not visible. Examples: apple juice, tea, coffee, air, etc.


Name the partitives in the affirmative and the negative.

Affirmative: du, de la, de l', des

Negative: de, d'


What is BEDMAS? What does the acronym stand for? 

BEDMAS is the order of operations used to solve mathematic equations. It stands for brackets, exponents, division, multiplications, addition, and subtraction.


How many types of writing did we do this year? What were they?

Four. Poetry, Narratives, Recounts, Speeches.


How many notes are in a scale?



Define these terms:

concentrated solution, dilute solution, saturated solution, unsaturated solution.

Concentrated: has a large number of solute particles for a given volume of solution

Dilute: has a small number of solute particles for a given volume of solution

Saturated: a solution in which no more solute can be dissolved

Unsaturated: a solution in which more solute can be dissolved


Translate these words in french:

popcorn, plum, pepper

Mais souffle, prune, poivron.


 Convert 78345 millimetres to hectometres.

0.78345 hectometres.

B: 4

A: 6

A+: 8

B: 4

A: 6

A+: 8


How many beats is a pair of eighth notes worth?*

*in 4/4 time

One and a half beats.


Name and explain the five methods of separating a mechanical mixture.

Sorting: involves physically separating the pieces of a mechanical mixture so that similar pieces are together

Floating: is a separation technique in which a less dense component of a solution rises to the top

Settling: a separation technique in which a more dense component of a solution sinks to the bottom

Magnetism: works if the mixture contains both magnetic and non-magnetic components

Sieves and Filters: sieve contains visible holes and is used when they are liquid and solid parts. Filter contains non-visible holes to separate parts

Dissolving Soluble Components: one part can dissolve and others cannot


What are the masculine singular, masculine plural, feminine singular, and feminine plural conjugations for the adjective "beau"?

m.s: beau beaux

f.s: belle belles


What is mean, median, mode, and range? How do you find each?

Mean is the average. Add up all the numbers and divide it by the amount of numbers.

Median is the middle number. Order the numbers from least to greatest and find the middle one.

Mode is the most common number. Find the number that repeats the most.

Range is the difference between the highest and lowest number. Subtract the lowest number from the highest number.


What type of poem has five lines and a very definite form?

A limerick.


What key signature do we play our instruments in class?



Explain what distillation and evaporation are.

Evaporation: the change of matter from liquid to gas

Distillation: the process of separating liquids in a solution by heating the solution, trapping and cooling the gas and collecting the resulting pure liquid


How do you say the following sentence in French:

I do not want any mushrooms, any onions, any pineapple, or any meat on my pizza.

Je ne veux pas de champignons, de oignons, d'ananas, ou de viande dans ma pizza.


What is the formula for the area of a trapezoid?



Identify and define the eight parts of speech.

Noun: person, place, or thing

Verb: action or state of being

Adjective: a quality of a noun

Adverb: describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb

Pronoun: stands in for a noun

Proposition: links a noun to another word

Conjunction: joins words, clauses, and sentences

Interjection: short exclamation, sometimes in sentences


Name the four assignments we have had in Music this year?

O' Canada Remix, Playalong, Simple Soundtrap Arrangement, Solo Performance.