Language Arts

This mathematical operation takes the sum of two numbers

What is addition?


This famous composer participated and played a supporting role in the May Uprising of 1849 in Dresden, Saxony

Who was Richard Wagner?


Located near Waxahachie, Texas, this particle collider had an estimated construction cost of 21 billion dollars. The project was terminated in 1993 in an October Budget vote by congress

What was the Superconducting Super Collider?


ghejev uebsh shdh hrhdgi grheg heheib

What is Gibberish?


This multistage aerobic capacity test progressively gets more difficult as it continues

What is the FitnessGram Pacer Test?


The equation e^(i*pi)=-1 is a special case of this famous identity

What is Euler's Identity?


Who was the first president of the United States of America?

Who was Connor Prahl?


This set of partial differential equations, created in the 19th century, form the foundations of classical electromagnetism

What are Maxwell's Equations?


This literary device exchanges the order of the noun and adjective. In standard parlance and writing the adjective comes before the noun, but when this device is used the noun is followed by the adjective. This reversed order creates a dramatic impact and lends weight to the description offered by the adjective.

What is Anastrophe?


This fad diet involves consuming only 500 calories a day and doses of a pregnancy hormone that is falsely associated with weight loss

What is the HGC Diet?


Dating all the way back to Egyptian mathematics, this geometric diagram is used to visualize the sines and cosines of common radian values

What is the Unit Circle?


This Roman Emperor is known for being named after a famous salad typically served at steakhouses

Who was Julius Caesar?


This principle of quantum mechanics, first articulated in 1927, states that as more is learned about a particle's current position, less can be known about its current momentum

What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?


The letters: A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y are all examples of this type of letter

What is a vowel?


This type of Yoga is both physical and spirtual, and is often used to release energy trapped in the lower spine

What is Kundalini yoga?


A 16th Century math duel between Antonio Fior and Niccolo Fontana Tartaglia unveiled the solution of this type of polynomial equation to the mathematical world

What is the Depressed Cubic?


This individual's botched assassination of the Tsarevich Nicholas II permanently damaged Nicholas’s perception of the Japanese, in turn leading to the Russo-Japanese War and the ensuing Revolution of 1905. This led to the entry into mainstream Russian socialist politics of those who would later found the Soviet Union.

Who was Tsuda Sanzō?


This organelle is found in the cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells and is often refereed to as the "powerhouse of the cell"

What is the Mitochondria?


The definition of this word is "of the same blood or origin; specifically: descended from the same ancestor"

What is Consanguineous?


Do 10 Jumping Jacks

Good Job


This special case differential equation describes a oscillating spring system where friction is ignored

What is the Harmonic Oscillator?


Lord Thomas Cochrane allegedly planned to free this man from exile and install him as the ruler of a united South America, but died before it could happen

Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?


This planet is the 2nd planet from the sun

What is Venus?


This Shakespearian classic revolves around two teenagers who fall in love but their union is forbidden because of their families' history

What is Romeo and Juliet?


This heart muscle brings deoxygenated blood back to the heart for more oxygen. This muscle receives blood from veins found in the upper body as opposed to its smaller counterpart, which receives blood from the lower veins of the body instead

What is the superior vena cava?