What is an emotion?
A feeling or something you feel.
What is a relationship?
The way you know someone or a connection that you have with someone. Relationships can be with friends, family, pets, etc.
How can we communicate with other people?
By talking (verbal) and/or using our bodies (nonverbal).
What is a consequence?
A result of an action or something that happens based on your actions.
Where do our thoughts happen?
In our brain/mind!
What part of our face changes with our emotions?
Our eyebrows, mouth, eyes, etc.
Are we born with relationships or do we have to create them?
Both! We are born with some relationships (parents/grown ups at home/older siblings) but we create them as we get older (friends, younger siblings, teachers, etc.).
Name 3 different languages.
English, Spanish, French, German, Sign Language, etc.
They can be good OR bad!
Give an example of a negative thought.
"I'm not good enough", "I'm stupid", "Today is going to be a horrible day", "Nobody cares about me".
Name 3 positive emotions.
Happy, glad, excited, energetic, surprised, curious, loving, etc.
How can we resolve conflict that we have with friends or siblings?
Walking away, telling an adult, communicating your thoughts and feelings, etc.
How does someone know that you are paying attention to them?
What can you do to calm down when you are upset (at school)?
Take a break, get a sip of water, take deep breaths, talk to a counselor, talk to your teacher, squeeze a stress ball, muscle relaxation, etc.
What is positive self-talk?
Talking kindly to yourself, such as "I can do this!", "I am smart!", "I make great choices!".
What does "jealous" mean?
Wanting what someone else has.
Name 4 ways that you can make friends.
What is an "I feel" statement?
A way that you communicate to someone how you are feeling and why.
What can you do to calm down when you are angry (at home)?
Go to your room, lay down/take a nap, punch pillows, scream into your pillow, walk away, talk to a grown up, take a walk outside, play with pets, take deep breaths, listen to calming music, etc.
How can we positively reframe the following thought:
"This year is terrible because COVID-19 ruined everything."
"At least I can still see my friends and family over video calls", "This year wasn't so bad because I got to spend more time at home with my family", "As hard as this year was, I survived!", "I got to meet new people this year in my virtual class".
What is the term used to describe feeling someone else's emotions?
How can we strengthen our relationships with friends and/or family members?
Spending quality time together, talking about our thoughts/feelings, being kind and respectful, etc.
Give an example of nonverbal communication.
Nodding/shaking your head, pointing, body language, giving a thumbs up or thumbs down, writing/drawing, etc.
What is the term used to describe ways that we calm down when we are upset?
Coping skills
What is thought replacement?
When you replace a negative (bad) thought with a positive (good) thought.