The number one way to prevent the spread of germs?
What is washing your hands?
Required medical proceudres for a student to attend any grade (PK-12).
What are immunizations?
The most common cause of a student complaining of a stomach ache.
What is hunger?
True or False:
School nurses can prescribe medications.
What is false?
This is common in schools today and affects every grade level.
What is bullying?
Drainage from one or both eyes, accompanied by itching, tearing and redness?
What is pink eye or conjunctivitis?
Legal document required for children with disabilities in a school setting.
What is an IEP (Individual Education Plan) or 504?
Two of the most common health screenings performed in a school setting for students.
What are height and weight, vision and/or hearing?
Name two medications which are on hand in the health office.
What are acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil), Tums, Benadryl, Aspirin, EpiPen, Albuterol, Narcan?
The name of life saving medication used in an drug overdose.
What is Narcan?
A treatment for low blood sugar.
What is sugar, juice, glucagon.
Passed in 1990 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) afforded children in acute and long-term care settings to what.
What is the right to access free appropriate public education (FAPE)?
The two most chronic illnesses in the school setting.
What is asthma and diabetes?
List three responsibilities of the school nurse.
What is administer medications, handle first aid and emergencies, immunization compliance, promote health and wellness, maintain records, write care plans and 504s, communicate with school, parents, and health providers?
The area or body part an EpiPen is injected into.
This student after his football game presented with headache, nausea, light sensitivity, fatigue, and change in mood.
What is a concussion?
The school principal requested to view the health records of a student diagnosed with diabetes because his nephew has the same condition. Name one of the two rules protect this student's records.
What is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)?
A student carrying an inhaler and administering his/her own medication requires this.
What is a medication authorization permission form?
These two items are needed before a nurse may administer medications in the school setting.
What are physician orders and parental permission?
Name two common symptoms of an allergic reactions.
What are facial or tongue swelling, throat hoarseness, rash, hives, itching, flushing, and vomiting?
Name 5 of the 8 B's.
What are bleeding, barfing, burning up, blood sugar, bee stings, bad bumps, breathing issues, broken bones, bathroom issues?
This act prevents the exclusion of homeless or displaced students for lack of immunizations.
What is the McKinney-Vento Act?
One major objective of Healthy People 2030 is the improvement of health and fitness through this activity.
What is regular physical activity?
The names of the best nurses ever.
Kate Zecca, Val Freeman, Kelly Pultro, Gina Cannon
Name three actions to take during a seizure?
What is observe time, lie student on side, remove any constrictive clothing around neck, call for the nurse, remain calm.