History of School Nursing
Scope of Practice/Credentialling
Levels of Prevention in Schools
Children with Special Needs/Chronic Illness
The year 1910
When was school nursing added to nursing school curriculum?
The National Association of School Nurses (NASN)- determines standards of practice for school nurses
What is the professional body for school nurses?
Addressed obesity and promoted healthy eating and physical activity through changes in school environments.
What were the primary goals of the Child Nutrition and WIC Re-authorization Act of 2004?
Primary prevention
Which level of prevention is substance abuse education?
Diabetes Mellitus
What is the most common chronic disease in children and adolescents?
The major public health concern of the 1900's, that helped spur the creation of school nurses
What were infectious diseases, such as lice and TB?
Though there are no federal laws, generally school nurses should hold BSNs and special certificates in school nursing.
What is the level of education that the NASN recommends for school nurses?
Allowed more children with special needs to have a school experience in balance with their health care needs (by developing IEPs)
What did the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 set-out to accomplish?
Primary prevention
Which level of prevention is demonstrated by school nurses managing childhood vaccination records?
What is the leading cause of children being absent from school because of chronic illness?
Decade when school districts began employing school nurses directly.
What are the 1940's
Give care to children as direct caregivers, educators, counselors, consultants and case managers.
What are the major roles and functions of school nurses?
Allow more children with HIV/AIDs, chronic illness, and/or mental health problems to attend school in a "normal" classroom setting.
What are IHPs (Individualized Health Plans)?
Tertiary prevention
Which level of prevention is being demonstrated when a school nurse teaches a student how to use an inhaler?
Regular schools, with the help of the school nurse acting as the liason between parents and HCPs
Where do most autistic children attend school?
In the 1960's, due to an upsurge in the call for higher education of nurses
When did the ANA call for the need for a BSN degree to be a school nurse?
750 students
As detailed in the Health People 2020 Proposed Objectives, there should be 1 nurse for every BLANK students?
Diptheria, pertussis, tetanus (DTAP series), Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR series), polio, chicken pox (in FL), and Hep B (FL)
What are state-mandated immunizations/vaccinations that children are required to receive before attending school?
Secondary prevention
Which level of prevention is being demonstrated when a school nurse reviews crisis plans or acts-out drills?
By developing HIV/AIDs health curriculum that teaches about the disease and disease prevention (and maintaining confidentiality of HIV (+) students)
How can a school nurse curtail misconceptions and stigmas surrounding HIV (+) students attending school with the general student body?
Year when the 1st NP program was started at the university of Colorado
What is the significance of the year 1970?
Most do not start their nursing careers as school nurses, they have prior experience, usually in hospitals.
What is the general career path for school nurses?
According to this piece of legislation, all children should go to school in the "least restrictive environment," therefore there may be some children who have DNRs and some may even die at school. (Legally, school nurses must obey DNR orders.)
What did the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 state?
Tertiary prevention
Which level of prevention is being demonstrated when a school nurses maintains indoor air quality records and recognizes indicators that health problems may be due to poor IAQ?
Though it may appear to be primary prevention, it is in fact tertiary because adolescent pregnancies are considered to be high risk)
Which level of prevention is being demonstrated when a school nurse provides ongoing care to a pregnant teenage mother?