Breakfast Regulations
Food Safety
Lunch Regulations

This phrase describes the type of grains that will be offered during the 2014-15 school year and beyond.

What is "whole grain-rich"?

No one likes to waste food, but when it comes to leftovers that are potentially hazardous and are to be served cold, it must be held at this temperature or colder before serving again.
What is 41 degrees F?
The SC School HACCP Plan states that food employees shall wear hair restraints to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed food. The most common hair restraint worn is a hairnet, but these also apply.
What is a visor or ball cap?
Menu planners are encouraged to offer a variety of protein foods (e.g., lean or extra lean meats, seafood, and poultry; beans and peas; fat-free and low-fat milk products; and unsalted nuts and seeds) to meet this requirement for lunch.
What is having a meat/meat alternate with lunch?

Eat your greens! When it comes to including a dark green vegetable twice a week in school lunches, these are some examples of the options.

What is broccoli, spinach, etc.

Until the 2014-15 school year, this "added" ingredient in frozen fruit options will be allowed in the school breakfast program.
What is "added sugar"?
This common yellow cleaning staple should never be used to wash and/or sanitize foodservice kitchens because of its knack for holding on to contaminants even after being cleaned.
What is a sponge?
Workers should put on a new pair of single-use, non-latex gloves when switching from working with raw food to ready-to-eat food, after cleaning, and under this circumstance.
What is when the gloves are torn?
The initial targets for this mineral take effect for school lunches as of the 2014-2015 school year.
What is Sodium?
Ketchup isn't the only tomato based condiment. This zesty tomato product counts as a red and orange vegetable.
What is salsa?
Beginning in SY 2014-2015, all grades will receive this amount of fruit at breakfast.
What is 1 cup.
It is best not to wash chicken before handling because washing will not completely eliminate bacteria. Therefore, the only way to make raw chicken safe is to cook it to at least ____ degrees F.
What is 165 degrees F?
You could sing 'Happy Birthday' twice or count out this minimum amount of seconds for proper handwashing procedure.
What is at least 15 seconds?
On this starting date, all frozen fruit served in the NSLP must contain no added sugars.
What is July 1, 2014?
Corn, green peas, lima beans, and potatoes all fall into this category for school meal planning.
What is starchy vegetables?
Hold the Salt! Only this many milligrams of sodium or less may be offered in high-school breakfasts after 2014.
What is ≤640mg?
All leftovers must be used within this time frame from the date of preparation.
What is three days?
The following are examples of foods exempt from this "cultured" rule: Bananas Brazil nuts Cashew nuts Chile peppers Cocoa beans Coconut Coffee Mandarin oranges Olive oil Pineapples Spices and herbs in bulk
What is "The Buy American Rule"?
As of the 2014-15 school year, kindergarteners will receive this amount of sodium or less in their lunch meal.
What is 1,230 milligrams?
Improved cognitive function (especially memory), reduced absenteeism, and improved mood are all results of eating this important meal everyday.
What is a healthy breakfast?
By the 2015 fiscal year, schools may see the cost per school breakfast rise by this amount (above the estimated cost).
What is $0.27?
Kitchen staff should all know the 'CLAD' rule, which stands for this food safety phrase, for prepared foods placed back into the refrigerator and freezer.
What is 'Covered and Labeled with the Amount and Date of preparation'?
According to the SC HACCP Plan, cooking should be completed no more than this amount of time prior to service of the first child.
What is 20 minutes?
Although it was estimated that food costs will increase by 5 cents per lunch served by FY 2015, when the food group components are fully phased in, the cost per lunch may be ___ cents higher than our baseline estimate.
What is 10 cents?
Added sugars and solid fats, such as from soda, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, grain desserts, pizza, and whole milk, contribute to 40% of daily calories for children and adolescents aged 2–18 years. These calories are described by this one-word descriptor.
What are empty (calories)?