Breakfast Bonanza
Mixed Tray
(mixed bag)
Protein Power
the Grain Brain Drain
To Market To Market
Beginning in the 2014-2015 School Year, school breakfast programs must offer 1 cup of this item
What is fruit?
On January 3, 2014, the USDA made this rule permanent.
What is the elimination of the grain and meat/meat alternate maximums
This is the number of meat/meat alternate servings that a kindergarten student must be offered each day and each week.
What is 1 oz equivalent per day; 8-10 oz equivalents each week.
50% of all grain items served in the 2013-2014 school year must be this___________
What is Whole Grain
This form of social media involves keeping your message to 140 characters
What is Twitter!
This new SBP change begins to take effect in 2017/2018
What is Sodium restriction for the School Breakfast program.
Beginning July 2014, all competitive foods will need to comply with this.
What is the interim final rule for Competitive Foods = National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program: Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School.
This delicious meat/meat alternate food item can be counted ounce for ounce when figuring out the ounce equivalents.
What is Cheese?
Students grades 9-12 must be offered this many grain servings throughout the week
What is 10-12 grain servings
Posting photos and information from meals and events in your program on this site allows student and parents to get a real view of what School Nutrition looks like.
What is Facebook
Beginning SY 2013-14, all grains are credited in ounce equivalents and based on this amount of grain
What is 16 gms.
This is a wellness program created just for school nutrition professionals!
What is the STEPS Challenge!
This is the amount of peanut butter or sunbutter a sandwich needs to have 2 ounce equivalent of meat/meat alternate.
What is 1/4c or 4 Tbsp.
This is the serving size for 1 grain equivalent of brown rice
What is 1/2 c.
This form of marketing involves informing local media outlets of cool things and special events that you are doing in your program
What is a Press Release
This is the amount of breakfast grain equivalents needed to meet weekly minimum requirements for High School students
What is 9 oz grain equivalents per week.
This program provides participating schools with toolkits, online resources and technical assistance to help them support increased physical activity and healthy eating.
What is 5-2-1-0 Let's Go!
This protein food can be counted as a meat/meat alternate or a vegetable, but NOT as both.
What are legumes/beans.
This is where you can find the Group A - Group I charts that are instrumental in figuring out how a grain item credits
What is the Food Buying Guide?
You can post a photo of your school meals on this photo oriented social media site.
What is Instagram
When offering scrambled eggs at breakfast, School Nutrition Programs can count the eggs in this manner.
What offer is meat/meat alternate in place of grains or offer meat/meat alternate as an additional item.
This program, founded in May 2010, is a great way to educate kids about food and healthy eating and can add excitement and interest to your program. Staff may also be empowered by learning new skills, and your program may receive public recognition.
What is Chef's Move to Schools?
a one ounce meat/meat alternate equivalent of commodity fajita chicken is equal to this.
What is 1.8oz?
In order to count the grains as a meal component, a high school student must accept how many grain servings?
What is 2 grain equivalents
An excellent resource to get ideas for promotions and fun events for your school nutrition program
What is The School Nutrition Association web site, magazine and the promotional calendar.